ACH arrangement definition
Examples of ACH arrangement in a sentence
The authority for ACH credits and debits shall remain in full force and effect until you terminate it in writing, in a time and manner affording us the opportunity to act thereon, or until 10 days after we notify you in writing of our termination of the ACH arrangement.
A local unit shall not be a party to an ACH arrangement unless the governing body of the local unit has adopted a resolution to authorize electronic transactions and the treasurer or the ETO of the local unit has presented a written ACH policy to the governing body.
Borrower (i) shall maintain in all respects this ACH arrangement; (ii) shall not change depository institutions without Lender’s prior written consent, and if consent is received, shall immediately execute similar ACH instruction(s), and (iii) waives any and all claims for loss or damage arising out of debits or credits to/from the depository institution, whether made properly or in error.
On termination of the ACH arrangement, your right to use the CB Charge Program shall terminate.
An ACH arrangement shall remain in effect until it is terminated by a re- quest from the owner or coowner sub- mitted to the Bureau of the Public Debt, Parkersburg, WV 26102–1328.
On termination of the ACH arrangement, your right to use the cbCharge Program shall terminate.
The District may be a party to an Automated Clearing House (ACH) arrangement.
An ACH arrangement shall remain in Fiscal Service, Treasury § 315.38 effect until it is terminated by a re- quest from the owner or coowner sub- mitted to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, Parkersburg, WV 26102–1328.
Borrower (i) shall maintain in all respects this ACH arrangement; (ii) shall not change depository institutions without Lender’s prior written consent, and if consent is received, shall immediately execute similar ACH instruction(s), and (iii) waive any and all claims for loss or damage arising out of debits or credits to/from the depository institution, whether made properly or in error.
This policy does not affect the validity of any ACH arrangement entered into by the County of Lenawee before the effective date of Public Act 738 of 2002 (December 30, 2002).