ACP definition
Examples of ACP in a sentence
An employee in the ACP may exercise seniority on the vacation schedule to obtain his/her two (2) weeks of unpaid leave.
Such payoff will be at the base wage rate that is in effect on the day prior to entering the ACP.
An employee may withdraw from ACP during the ACP payroll calendar year due to a loss of other medical coverage or a qualified family or employment status change.
Under the policy of decentralisation provided for in the strategy plan for 2001 to 2005, the Centre for the Development of Enterprise has begun to open regional offices in the ACP countries.
This Agreement is a contract between the State of Vermont, through its Department of Buildings and General Services, Office of Purchasing & Contracting (“State”), and ACP CreativIT, LLC dba Versatile Communications, a limited liability company with a principle place of business at Buffalo Grove, IL (“Contractor”).