Section 12.1 Sample Clauses

Section 12.1. 12 For the life of the negotiated Agreement, the dollar amount to be applied per employee, per full-time 14 group dental, group vision, and medical will be the amount of money legislatively appropriated and
Section 12.1. 26 The seniority of an employee in the bargaining unit shall be established as of the date on which they 27 began continuous daily employment with the District (hereinafter “hire date”) unless such seniority 28 shall be lost as hereinafter provided.
Section 12.1. Section 12.1 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
Section 12.1. 44 The parties agree to abide by the provisions of ESHB 1109 which has mandated the creation of the
Section 12.1. 33 The District shall have the right to discipline or discharge an employee for justifiable cause. Conferences 34 between the employee and the Superintendent, the Superintendent's administrative designee, or the 35 employee's supervisor which have as their purpose the investigation of complaints or the discussion of 36 potential performance deficiencies shall not be considered disciplinary action. Disciplinary action, 37 including discharge, is subject to provisions of the grievance procedure hereinafter provided. 39 The establishment of a probationary period for purposes of remediation of performance deficiencies shall 40 not be considered disciplinary action. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
Section 12.1. 22 The District shall provide basic and optional benefits through the School Employees Benefits Board 23 (SEBB) under the rules and regulations adopted by the SEBB.
Section 12.1. 44 The District shall pay a District insurance contribution of the state funded amount per month for each 45 eligible employee to the School Employees Benefits Board for medical, dental, vision, life and 46 disability insurance. The full Health Care Authority (HCA) retiree subsidy is included in the state 47 allocation. Premium benefits shall be paid for twelve (12) months.
Section 12.1. 31 For the purposes of this article, a grievance is defined as an alleged violation of a specific provision of 32 this agreement charged against the District. Grievances may be filed by individuals, groups of 33 employees, or the chapter. Grievances shall be processed in the following manner and within the stated 34 time limits. The word days as used herein shall refer to business days.
Section 12.1. 15 The Association and District mutually approved plans shall be used within the scope of this Article, 16 shall be the only plans paid by the District, and shall encompass Dental, Health/Medical, Salary, and 17 Vision Care Insurance.
Section 12.1. 33 The employer agrees to provide the insurance plans, follow employee eligibility rules, and provide 34 funding for all bargaining unit members and their dependents as required by State law, the State 35 Operating Budget, and the School Employees’ Benefits’ Board (SEBB). Inclusive of employer funding 36 will be payment of the retiree carve-out for all eligible employees. 37