Acquiring Institution definition

Acquiring Institution means a financial institution or bank that provides services to you and PayPal to enable you to (a) accept payment by cardholders using cards: and (b) receive value in respect of Card Transactions.
Acquiring Institution means a per- son authorized by the operator of a credit card system to contract, directly or indirectly, with merchants or other persons to process transactions, includ- ing cash advances, involving the opera- tor’s credit card.
Acquiring Institution means the financial institution supplying You with the ability to accept credit cards for payments. The financial institution will charge You fees for providing these services.

Examples of Acquiring Institution in a sentence

  • It is only necessary for you to take any one of the following actions in order for your account(s) at [Name of Acquiring Institution] to be deemed claimed.

  • Based on the records recently supplied to us by [Name of Acquiring Institution], your account(s) currently fall into this category.

  • According to federal law under 12 U.S.C., 1822(e), on [Date: eighteen months from the Closing Date], [Name of Acquiring Institution] must transfer the funds in your account(s) back to the FDIC if you have not claimed your account(s) with [Name of Acquiring Institution].

  • This letter is your formal Legal Notice that you have until [Date: eighteen months from the Closing Date], to claim or arrange to continue your account(s) with [Name of Acquiring Institution].

  • There are several ways that you can claim your account(s) at [Name of Acquiring Institution].

More Definitions of Acquiring Institution

Acquiring Institution means the institution which authorized by VISA International Organization for processing contract with Designated Stores and related payment of consuming by Cardholder to Designated Stores.
Acquiring Institution means aperson authorized by the operator of a credit card system to contract, directly or indirectly, with merchants or other persons to process transactions, including cash advances, involving the operator’s credit card.
Acquiring Institution means the holding bank or financial institution acquiring an institution licensed pursuant to this Act.
Acquiring Institution means a depository institution that provides a merchant
Acquiring Institution means a financial institution or bank that provides services to you to enable you to
Acquiring Institution means a financial institution or bank that provides services to you to enable you to (a) accept payment by cardholders using cards; and (b) receive value in respect of Card Transactions. Card Association: Acompanyor consortium of financial institutions which promulgates rules to govern Card Transactions that involve the card that carries the company’s or the consortium’s brand. Examples include Visa USA, Visa Europe, and the other Visa regions; MasterCard International Incorporated; American Express Companyand similar organizations. Card Data: All personal or financial information relevant to a Card Transaction, including information recorded on the card itself (whether in human-readable form or digitally). Card Transaction: Apayment made using a credit or debit card or anyother payment method using a physical data-carrying item intended to be held in the payer’s possession. The Products support onlycertain types of Card Transactions; see the PayPal Website for more information. CVV2 Data: The three-digit number printed to the right of the card number in the signature panel area on the back of the card. (For American Express cards, the code is a four-digit unembossed number printed above the card number on the front of the American Express card.) The CVV2 Data are uniquelyassociated with each individual plastic card and ties the card account number to the plastic. Direct Payments API: Functionalityfor performing credit and debit card transactions, where the card details are entered online bythe cardholder. eTerminal: Functionalityprovided by PayPal to enable you to receive a card payment bymanuallyentering Card Data given you bythe cardholder.
Acquiring Institution means an Electronic Money Institution (EMI), and any non-banking entity duly authorized by SBP to on-board merchants under these Rules