Examples of Acquiring Institution in a sentence
It is only necessary for you to take any one of the following actions in order for your account(s) at [Name of Acquiring Institution] to be deemed claimed.
Based on the records recently supplied to us by [Name of Acquiring Institution], your account(s) currently fall into this category.
According to federal law under 12 U.S.C., 1822(e), on [Date: eighteen months from the Closing Date], [Name of Acquiring Institution] must transfer the funds in your account(s) back to the FDIC if you have not claimed your account(s) with [Name of Acquiring Institution].
This letter is your formal Legal Notice that you have until [Date: eighteen months from the Closing Date], to claim or arrange to continue your account(s) with [Name of Acquiring Institution].
There are several ways that you can claim your account(s) at [Name of Acquiring Institution].