Examples of Active records in a sentence
Active records should remain with the user until the termination of administrative value.
Active records relate to ongoing and recently completed activities or contain information that is frequently referenced.
See also the Society of American Archivists online glossary: http://www2.archivists.org/glossary Active records – Records that continue to be used with sufficient frequency to justify keeping them in the office of creation; current records (See also: “inactive records”).
They may also be referred to as “open.” Active records are generally maintained in office space or on-line in an electronic system.
They may also be referred to as “open.” Active records are generally maintained in office space or online in an electronic system.
Active records are referred to regularly and are easily accessible.
Active records are defined as information that is regularly accessed while students are enrolled.
Active records and records that need to be easily accessible may be stored in the Foundation’s office space or equipment.
Active records are generally maintained by the regional offices having jurisdiction over the domicile of the claimant.
The parties fiurther agree that they wiJJ follow an requirements and procedures of the Couß with respect to having documents or information deemed confidential by the Court, and to have any such documents or information filed under seal.