Active Subscriber definition

Active Subscriber. “means a Subscriber who has been authorized to receive signals of subscribed Zee Group Channels as per the subscriber management system and whose set top box has not been denied signals.
Active Subscriber means a subscriber who has been authorized to receive signals of Subscribed Channels as per the SMS and whose Set Top Box has not been denied signals;
Active Subscriber means a subscriber who has been authorized to receive signals of television channels as per the subscriber management system and whose set top box has not been denied signals;

Examples of Active Subscriber in a sentence

  • Such reports shall specify all information required to calculate the Monthly Average Active Subscriber Level (including but not limited to the number of Subscribers for each Zee Group Channel and each package in which a Zee Group Channel is included) and the Subscription Fees payable to ZEEL.

  • Such reports shall specify all information required to calculate the Monthly Average Active Subscriber Level (including but not limited to the number of Subscribers for each Zee Group Channel and each package in which a Zee Group Channel is included) and the Subscription Fees payable to ZEEL and in case the IPTV Operator opts for any of the Incentive Scheme(s) all the required details as per stipulated formats shall be provided by the IPTV Operator to ZEEL.

  • Such reports shall specify all information required to calculate the Monthly Average Active Subscriber Level (including but not limited to the number of Subscribers for each Zee Group Channel and each package in which a Zee Group Channel is included) and the Subscription Fees payable to ZEEL and in case the MSO opts for any of the Incentive Scheme(s) all the required details as per stipulated formats shall be provided by the MSO to ZEEL.

  • Such reports shall specify all information required to calculate the Monthly Average Active Subscriber Level (including but not limited to the number of Subscribers for each Zee Group Channel and each package in which a Zee Group Channel is included) and the Subscription Fees payable to ZEEL and in case the DTH Operator opts for any of the Incentive Scheme(s) all the required details as per stipulated formats shall be provided by the DTH Operator to ZEEL.

  • ANNEXURE V REPORT FORMAT Table – 1: State-wise Monthly Subscription for bouquet of pay Zee Group Channel and/or a-xx-xxxxx Channel Monthly Average Active Subscriber Level of a Zee Group Channels or bouquet shall be arrived at by averaging the number of subscribers subscribing Zee Group Channel or bouquets, as the case may be, recorded four times in a month, as provided in Table -1 and Table – 2 respectively.

More Definitions of Active Subscriber

Active Subscriber means a subscriber who has been authorized to receive signals of television channels as per the subscriber management system /CAS of the Operator and whose set top box has not been denied signals.
Active Subscriber means a Subscriber who has been authorized to receive channel(s) available on Affiliate’s Permitted Digital Distribution Platform (either directly or indirectly through the Affiliate’s affiliated LCO, as the case may be), as per the SMS of the Affiliate’s Permitted Digital Distribution Platform and whose set top box has not been denied signals.
Active Subscriber means a Subscriber who uses the Subscriber Identity Module (“SIM”) of VIL on a regular basis for purposes other than to participate in any offer or Challenge offered by VIL.
Active Subscriber means a Subscriber who uses the Subscriber Identity Module (“SIM”) of Vodafone India on a regular basis for purposes other than to participate in any offer or contest offered by Vodafone India.
Active Subscriber means a Subscriber who has been authorized to receive signals of Zee Group Channels as per the subscriber management system and whose set top box has not been denied signals. “Total Active Subscribers of the HITS Operator” shall mean total active subscribers of the HITS Operator who have subscribed at least one channel (SD or HD). In case of the Standard-Definition Identified Channel(s), Total Active Subscribers shall mean total active subscribers of the HITS Operator who have subscribed only Standard-Definition channel(s) and in case of the High-Definition Identified Channel(s), Total Active Subscribers shall mean total active subscribers of the HITS Operator who have subscribed at least one High-Definition channel. “Total Active Subscribers of the Channel” shall mean total active subscribers of the Zee Group Channel which will be arrived at by adding up the average active subscribers who have opted the channel on a-xx-xxxxx basis and average active subscribers of such bouquets comprising of the said ala-carte channel. "addressable system" means an electronic device (which includes hardware and its associated software) or more than one electronic device put in an integrated system through which transmission of programmes including re-transmission of signals of television channels can be done in encrypted form, which can be decoded by the device or devices at the premises of the subscriber within the limits of authorisation made, through the Conditional Access System and the subscriber management system, on the explicit choice and request of such subscriber, by the HITS Operator. “a-xx-xxxxx” or “a-xx-xxxxx channel” means offering of the Zee Group Channel(s) individually on a standalone basisaverage active subscriber base" means the number arrived by averaging the active subscriber base count in the manner specified in the ANNEXURE VI
Active Subscriber means a unique paying subscriber to a service of the Company or a Company Subsidiary that is a Person and shall not include any bots, fake accounts or similar subscribers.
Active Subscriber means a Subscriber who has been authorized to receive channels available on Affiliate’s Permitted Digital Distribution Platform (either directly or indirectly through Affiliate’s affiliated LCO, as the case may be), as per the SMS of Affiliate’s Permitted Digital Distribution Platform and whose STB has not been denied signals.