Examples of Therapeutic intervention in a sentence
The Use of any Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method to increase “low-normal” levels of any endogenous hormone is not considered an acceptable Therapeutic intervention.
Your plan covers services for reconstructive surgery, which is surgery performed to improve or restore the impaired function of a body part or organ resulting from one of the following:• Congenital defects• Illness and disease• Injury and trauma• Surgery• Therapeutic intervention Not covered: Cosmetic surgery and any related complications, procedures, treatment, office visits, consultations, and other services for cosmetic purposes.
Therapeutic intervention in a natural environment can offer opportunities for understanding behavior and for rehearsing new strategies which are not available in a clinic environment.
Therapeutic intervention related to daily living skills and sensorimotor, cognitive, and psychosocial components.
Therapeutic intervention, bipolar inclination, and literary creativity.
Therapeutic intervention based on the genomic analysis of a sample representative of the modal population can lead to clonal selection and to changes in the clonal composition of tumors.
Therapeutic intervention clearly was provided for the jurors on the rape-murder trial but probably not for the jurors who sat on the obscenity trial .
Benefit Description: Benefits are available for reconstructive surgery, which is surgery performed to improve or restore the impaired function of a body part or organ resulting from one of the following: • Congenital defects;• Illness and disease;• Injury and trauma;• Surgery; or• Therapeutic intervention Benefit-Specific Exclusion: Cosmetic surgery and any related complications, procedures, treatment, office visits, consultations and other services for cosmetic purposes.
Therapeutic intervention for ADLs is generally accepted and widely used.
Therapeutic intervention should be concentrated on active control, force production and functional muscle use rather than just tone or spasticity reduction.