Examples of Acts and Rules in a sentence
The contractor shall be bound to furnish the Engineer-In-Charge all the returns particulars or date as are called for from time to time in connection with implementation of the provisions of the above Acts and Rules and timely submission of the same, failing which the contractor will be liable for breach of contract and the Engineer-In-Charge may at his discretion take necessary measures over the contract.
The Contractor shall abide by the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and Contract Labour (Abolition and Regulation) Central Rules, 1971 and shall also comply with all other Statutory Laws, Labour Laws, Acts and Rules made by the Appropriate Government, which are or may be applicable to the subject contract and / or contract labour during the currency of the contract.
The contractor shall be bound to furnish the Engineer-In-Charge all the returns particulars or date as are called for from time to time in connection with implementation of the provisions of the above Acts and Rules and timely submission of the same, failing which the contractor will be liable for breach of contract and the Engineer- In-Charge may at his discretion take necessary measures over the contract.
The contractor shall be bound to furnish the Engineer-in-Charge all the returns, particulars or date as are called for from time to time in connection with implementation of the provisions of the above Acts and Rules and timely submission of the same, failing which the contractor will be liable for breach of contract and the Engineer-in-Charge may at his discretion take necessary measures over the contract.
All the existing provisions as contained in the Acts and Rules and notifications of Govt from time to time will be applicable to the purchasers and such provisions shall form part and parcel of the terms and conditions of the sale notice and purchaser’s agreement.
In case of fatal or non-fatal accident occurred to the workers during erection and maintenance of system, the Department will not be liable to pay for any compensation and it is duty of Contractor to observe all Labour Acts and Rules.
The Governance Committee shall review applications and other information submitted by potential nominees, and shall consider for nomination only those individuals who meet the eligibility requirements and knowledge or experience qualifications for the independent director positions as set forth in the Acts and Rules and Regulations.
Note:The Acts and Rules mentioned in the syllabus are only illustrative and not exhaustive.
Provided, any such modifications should be in accordance with the Drugs and Cosmetics Acts and Rules mentioned under Article 1 as amended time to time and in conjunction with the RKS of the concerned hospital.
During the year under review, to the best of our knowledge and belief the Company has complied with all applicable provisions, filed all returns/ forms and furnished all relevant particulars as required under the Companies Act, 1956 and allied Acts and Rules, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Regulations and the Listing Agreements with the Stock Exchanges.