Actual Energy Withdrawals definition

Actual Energy Withdrawals. Energy withdrawals which are either: (1) measured with a revenue‑quality real‑time meter; (2) assessed (in the case of LSEs serving retail customers where withdrawals are not measured by revenue‑quality real‑time meters) on the basis provided for in a Transmission Owner’s retail access program; or (3) calculated (in the case of wholesale customers where withdrawals are not measured by revenue‑quality real‑time meters), until such time as revenue‑quality real‑time metering is available on a basis agreed upon by the unmetered wholesale customers. For purposes of the allocation of the ISO annual budgeted costs and the annual FERC fee pursuant to Rate Schedule 1 of this ISO OATT, withdrawals shall also include the absolute value of negative withdrawals by Load for behind the meter generation. For purposes of assessing TSC and NTAC, Actual Energy Withdrawals shall include the absolute value of negative injections by Energy Storage Resources in accordance with Section 2.7 of the OATT. Advance Reservation: (1) A reservation of transmission service over the Cross-Sound Scheduled Line that is obtained in accordance with the applicable terms of Schedule 18 and the Schedule 18 Implementation Rule of the ISO New England Inc. Transmission, Markets and Services Tariff, or in accordance with any successors thereto; or (2) A right to schedule transmission service over the Neptune Scheduled Line that is obtained in accordance with the rules and procedures established pursuant to Section 38 of the PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. Open Access Transmission Tariff and set forth in a separate service schedule under the PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. Open Access Transmission Tariff; or (3) A right to schedule transmission service over the Linden VFT Scheduled Line that is obtained in accordance with the rules and procedures established pursuant to Section 38 of the PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. Open Access Transmission Tariff and set forth in a separate service schedule under the PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. Open Access Transmission Tariff; or (4) A right to schedule transmission service over the HTP Scheduled Line that is obtained in accordance with the rules and procedures established pursuant to Section 38 of the PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. Open Access Transmission Tariff and set forth in a separate service schedule under the PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. Open Access Transmission Tariff.

Examples of Actual Energy Withdrawals in a sentence

  • The TSC charge is applied to all Actual Energy Withdrawals from the NYS Power System under Part 3 or Part 4 of this Tariff, except for withdrawals by a Transmission Owner to provide bundled retail service or scheduled withdrawals associated with grandfathered transactions as specified in Attachments K and L.

  • The charges will be assessed on the basis of all Actual Energy Withdrawals by the Load, regardless of whether such withdrawals are scheduled or unscheduled, and regardless of whether they are scheduled on the Load’s behalf by the LSE or by another Transmission Customer.

  • The TSC charge also is applied to Transactions to destinations outside the NYCA (Export or Wheel-Through Transactions), except as provided for in Section of this Tariff.Subject to the foregoing, the TSC applies to all Actual Energy Withdrawals regardless of whether the withdrawals occur in conjunction with a Bilateral Transaction or through the purchase of Energy from an LBMP Market.

  • The charges will be assessed on the basis of all Scheduled Energy Withdrawals from the NYCA. Payable by Transmission Owners Serving Bundled Retail Customers: Transmission Owners scheduling Transmission Service or purchases from the LBMP Market to serve of bundled retail customers shall pay the ISO Ancillary Services charges as described in Schedules 1 to 6 based on Actual Energy Withdrawals.

  • All NTAC charges are payable to the ISO. Payable by LSEs Serving Load in the NYCA: Each LSE serving Load in the NYCA shall pay an NTAC to the ISO based on the LSE’s Actual Energy Withdrawals.

  • The TSC shall apply to Actual Energy Withdrawals by the Load, regardless of whether such withdrawals are associated with Transmission Service under Part 3 or Part 4 of this Tariff or purchases from an LBMP Market, whether the withdrawals are scheduled or unscheduled, and regardless of whether the withdrawals were made on the Load’s behalf by the LSE or by another Transmission Customer.

  • The TSC charge also is applied to Transactions to destinations outside the NYCA (Export or Wheel‑Through Transactions), except as provided for in Section of this Tariff.Subject to the foregoing, the TSC applies to all Actual Energy Withdrawals regardless of whether the withdrawals occur in conjunction with a Bilateral Transaction or through the purchase of Energy from an LBMP Market.

  • The ISO will charge or credit each RMR LSE based on its share of Actual Energy Withdrawals in the Load Zone or Subzone (as applicable) for the relevant Billing Period.

  • Subject to the foregoing, the TSC applies to all Actual Energy Withdrawals regardless of whether the withdrawals occur in conjunction with a Bilateral Transaction or through the purchase of Energy from an LBMP Market.

  • However, an Energy Storage Resource that participates as a Co-located Storage Resource will only pay a TSC for net Actual Energy Withdrawals by the combined Co-located Storage Resources.

Related to Actual Energy Withdrawals

  • Market Participant Energy Withdrawal means transactions in the Day-ahead Energy Market and Real-time Energy Market, including but not limited to Demand Bids, Decrement Bids, real-time load (net of Behind The Meter Generation expected to be operating, but not to be less than zero), internal bilateral transactions and Export Transactions, as further described in the PJM Manuals.

  • Rechargeable Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) means the rechargeable energy storage system that provides electric energy for electrical propulsion.

  • Net energy billing means a billing and metering practice under which a customer-generator is billed on the basis of net energy over the billing period.

  • Useful thermal energy means, with regard to a cogeneration unit, thermal energy that is:

  • Energy year or "EY" means the 12-month period from June 1st

  • nuclear energy hazard means the radioactive, toxic, explosive, or other hazardous properties of radioactive material;

  • Actual emissions means the actual rate of emissions in tpy of any regulated pollutant (for fee calculation) emitted from a Part 71 source over the preceding calendar year. Actual emissions shall be calculated using each emissions unit’s actual operating hours, production rates, in-place control equipment, and types of materials processed, stored, or combusted during the preceding calendar year.

  • Cash Withdrawal means a disbursement of funds in any currency from any Account out of the balance in your favour (whether or not in the form of cash) made or obtained through or in connection with any Citibank ATM/ Debit Card.

  • Projected actual emissions means the maximum annual rate, in tons per year, at which an existing emissions unit is projected to emit a regulated NSR pollutant in any one of the 5 years (12-month period) following the date the unit resumes regular operation after the project, or in any one of the 10 years following that date, if the project involves increasing the emissions unit’s design capacity or its potential to emit that regulated NSR pollutant, and full utilization of the unit would result in a significant emissions increase, or a significant net emissions increase at the major stationary source.

  • Final Withdrawal Has the meaning specified in the Escrow Agreement.

  • Renewable Energy Certificates or “RECs” means all of the GIS Certificates and environmental benefits associated with New Class I RPS eligible resources.

  • Net energy metering means measuring the difference, over the net metering period, between (i)

  • Government energy aggregation program means a program and

  • Energy Savings means an amount of saved energy determined by measuring and/or estimating consumption before and after implementation of an energy efficiency improvement measure, whilst ensuring normalisation for external conditions that affect energy consumption;

  • Renewable Energy Credits means a certificate, credit, allowance, green tag, or other transferable indicia, howsoever entitled, allocated, assigned or otherwise awarded or certified by any Governmental Authority, program administrator, certification board or similar entity in connection with the production or generation of each MWh of energy from the Project. For the avoidance of doubt, “Renewable Energy Credits” shall not include any ITC, State Renewable Energy Incentives or other tax benefits, credits, or incentives.

  • Energy storage system means a system which stores energy and releases it in the same form as was input.

  • Electricity Charges means service charges in respect of the provision of electricity.

  • CAISO Revenues means the credits, fees, payments, revenues, interest or similar benefits, including imbalance energy payments, that are directly assigned by the CAISO to the CAISO Global Resource ID for the Generating Facility for, or attributable to, Scheduling or deliveries from the Generating Facility under this Agreement.

  • Geothermal energy means energy contained in heat that continuously flows outward from the earth that is used as the sole source of energy to produce electricity.

  • Energy conservation measure means a training program or facility alteration designed to reduce energy consumption or operating costs and includes:

  • Baseline actual emissions means the rate of emissions, in tons per year, of a regulated NSR pollutant, as determined in accordance with paragraphs (i) through (iv) of this definition.

  • Final Withdrawal Date Has the meaning specified in the Escrow Agreement.

  • Energy Charge means a charge for each kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electrical energy;

  • Market Participant Energy Injection means transactions in the Day-ahead Energy Market and Real-time Energy Market, including but not limited to Day-ahead generation schedules, real- time generation output, Increment Offers, internal bilateral transactions and import transactions, as further described in the PJM Manuals.

  • Electric distribution system means the part of the electric system, after the transmission system, that is dedicated to delivering electric energy to an end user.

  • Energy Use Intensity (EUI means the kBTUs (1,000 British Thermal Units) used per square foot of gross floor area.