Adjusted monthly income definition
Examples of Adjusted monthly income in a sentence
Adjusted monthly income is used in calculating the rent to a minimum level of ($50 (effective October 1, 2006).
Total Tenant Payment: In calculating the rental assistance available to tenants, the PHA must use a formula, called a Total Tenant Payment, commonly abbreviated as “TTP.” Adjusted monthly income is one of the factors in the formula.§5.628A.
DRAFT 27 TOM TORLAKSONSAMPLEState Superintendent of Public Instruction DRAFTADJUSTED MONTHLY INCOME Adjusted monthly income means the total countable income, listed in the left column, minus verified child support, verified child support payments, financial assistance for housing costs, or car payments provided in addition to, or in lieu of, child support paid by the parent whose child is receiving child development services, excluding the non- countable income listed in the right column.
In calculating the rent of Public Housing residents, the Public Housing Authority must use a formula, called a Total Resident Payment, commonly abbreviated as “TTP.” Adjusted monthly income is one of the factors in the formula.
Adjusted monthly income: copy from 9d:The total amount of adjusted monthly income received on a monthly basis.