Examples of Adjustment Budget in a sentence
During the Adjustment Budget funding assessment for 2019/20, NT advised that the municipality should consider writing off debtors that we know we are not realistically going to collect.
Thousands of workers faced the terror of unemployment after dozens of foreign companies had left the country due to the repercussions of the war.
As far as the reallocation of funds between votes is concerned, it cannot be delegated and Council has to decide on each of these items in the Adjustment Budget annually.
The Adjustment Budget Policy is governed by various provisions in the MFMA and the Municipal Budget and Reporting Regulations, which are aimed at establishing an increased level of discipline responsibility and accountability in the financial management practices of the Municipality.
This happens if postponing the spending to a future parliamentary appropriation would seriously prejudice the public interest.The special adjustment budget provides for changes in the main appropriation owing to the categories of expenditure specified in Section 30(2) of the PFMA, by programme and economic classification.All other adjustments not included in this special adjustment budget will be tabled in the October Adjustment Budget.
A drop to 87% for the Refuse collection are included in the May Adjustment Budget due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ability of the consumers to pay.
The average spending in terms of the adjustment budget has been 68.62% there is thus a need to improve the level of performance on the Adjustment Budget projects.
During the 2012/13 Adjustment Budget process, the allocation for Vote 18: Labour increased by R19 840 000 or .94%.The final allocation for Vote 18: Labour therefore reflected in the Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure as R2 139 566 000 which included R656 369 000 in respect of Transfe Payments.
The impact of increased debt impairment to cater for the lower collection rates are incorporated in the May 2020 Adjustment Budget.
No. 56 of 2003 determines the following with regard to the Municipal Adjustment Budget.