Examples of Administrative inquiries in a sentence
Administrative inquiries - means those occasions when an employee is required to respond to questions of importance to the Department/Agency when directed to do so by his/her Appointing Authority or that Authority's designee.
Again, we expect some improvement just for scaling the number of threads.∗We also compare to WalkSAT with clause learning, where all clauses are shared among each thread.
Administrative inquiries are necessary when allegations of serious misconduct or abuse are made, or key facts raised in a complaint are in dispute between parties.
Administrative inquiries: These mean all actions taken by the authorised officials to establish the facts and, where necessary, determine whether there has been a failure to comply with the obligations incumbent on EU institutions’ officials.
Administrative inquiries The activities of the Agency shall be subject to the inquiries of the European Ombudsman in accordance with Article 228 TFEU.
The Contract Managers during the term of this Agreement will be: Direct all Administrative inquiries to: Attention: California Capital Access Program (CalCAP) For assistance, lenders please call CPCFA staff at (000) 000-0000.
Administrative inquiries are conducted recognising the inherent imbalance of power between the parties to an inquiry, where the respondent is a Diocesan worker and the complainant a child or vulnerable person.
Administrative inquiries had also been carried out and disciplinary proceedings conducted and penalties imposed.
The map described in subparagraph (A) shall be on file and available for public in- spection in appropriate offices of the Na- tional Park Service.
Article 28 – Administrative inquiries The activities of the Agency shall be subject to the inquiries of the European Ombudsman in accordance with Article 228 of the Treaty.