Adult resident definition

Adult resident means any person between 18 and 22 years
Adult resident means any person between 18 and 22 years of age who resides in any facility licensed by the Department under the Child Care Act of 1969. For purposes of this Act, the criteria set forth in the definitions of "abused child" and "neglected child" shall be used in determining whether an adult resident is abused or neglected.
Adult resident means a person 18 years of age or over who lives at the home of a relative with the intent of making that home his or her home or who lives for more than 30 days cumula- tive in any 6−month period at the home of a relative.

Examples of Adult resident in a sentence

  • Adult resident is defined as a student resident per Part 1 (Resident Eligibility) or a non- student spouse of a student resident.

  • A little bit on definitions…You’ll want to be an Event Organizer if you want to be able to schedule a ride or event directly to the Group Pages.

  • You will provide AT&T and its subcontractors with reasonable access to your premises in order to install, maintain, repair, and/or update the Internet Service, and you authorize any other Adult resident or guest at your residence (each, an Authorized User for purposes of this Agreement) to grant access to your premises for these purposes.

  • You will provide MLabs Industries LLC and its subcontractors with reasonable access to your premises in order to install, maintain, and repair the Service and you authorize any other Adult resident or guest at your location to grant access to your premises for these purposes.

  • Seven human receptors were evaluated in this assessment: ▪ Adult resident▪ Child resident▪ Farmer▪ Child farmer▪ Fisher▪ Adult resident (groundwater)▪ Child resident (groundwater).

More Definitions of Adult resident

Adult resident means a person 18 years of age or over who meets any of the following conditions:
Adult resident means any person between 18 and 22 years of age who resides in any facility licensed by the Department under the Child Care Act of 1969 [225 ILCS 10]. For the purpose of this Part, the definitions of "abused child" and "neglected child" include adult residents who meet the criteria set forth in those definitions.
Adult resident means any duly authorized family member or household member, as that term appears in the Lease at Section 1B, who is 18 years of age or older, including Tenant.
Adult resident means a person with mental retardation who:
Adult resident means a person 18 years or older who lives at a day care center with the intent of making that day care center his or her home or who lives for more than 30 days cumula- tive in any 6−month period at the day care center.
Adult resident means a person with
Adult resident means any person between 18 and 22 years of age who resides in any facility licensed by the Department under the Child Care Act of 1969 [225 ILCS 10]. For the purpose of this Part, the definitions of "abused child" and