Walker Crips definition

Walker Crips. : means as appropriate, Walker Crips Investment Management, Walker Crips Structured Investments or the Nominee.
Walker Crips means as appropriate, Walker Crips Stockbrokers, Walker Crips Structured Investments or the Nominee.FTSE Growth Kick-Out Plan – Issue One | Walker Crips | 13The Plan Manager provides the FTSE Growth Kick-Out Plan to you on the following Terms and Conditions (of which the Application Form is a part):
Walker Crips means as appropriate, Walker Crips Stockbrokers, Walker Crips Structured Investments or the Nominee.Defensive Dual Index Plan – Issue Eleven | Walker Crips | 13The Plan Manager provides the Plan to you on the following Terms and Conditions (of which the Application Form is a part):

Examples of Walker Crips in a sentence

  • Walker Crips Structured Investments has a policy to assist it in meeting this principle, as it is required to do by the regulator.

  • Any complaint about any aspect of the service received should be made to The Compliance Department, Walker Crips Stockbrokers Ltd, Finsbury Tower, 103–105 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8LZ, United Kingdom 020 3100 8880.

  • I acknowledge that Walker Crips will rely upon this confirmation for the purposes of Regulation 17 of The Money Laundering Regulations 2007 and that the IDVC and relevant supporting documents will be provided on request.

  • I acknowledge that Walker Crips will rely upon this confirmation for the purposes of Regulation 38 of The Money Laundering Regulations 2017 and that the IDVC and relevant supporting documents will be provided to Walker Crips within two days of any request.

  • Walker Crips Stockbrokers Limited will be entitled to rely on the previous list until they are informed to the contrary.

  • This brochure has been prepared as a financial promotion by Walker Crips Structured Investments, a trading name of Walker Crips Stockbrokers Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, and is part of the Walker Crips Group plc.

  • I/We will inform Walker Crips Stockbrokers Limited (WCSB) if I/We cease to be so resident or to perform such duties or be married to, or in a civil partnership with, a person who performs such duties.I/We am/are not a resident, nor am/are I/we acting on behalf of a resident of the United States or a US Person(s), and I/we will not assist any such person to invest in this Plan.

  • We, the Trustees/Authorised Parties of this Trust/Scheme, request Walker Crips Stockbrokers Limited (WCSB) to arrange for the purchase of the Plan on our behalf, in accordance with the Plan brochure.We declare that:We have read the Terms and Conditions of the Plan and accept the Terms and Conditions under which our investment will be administered.

  • I will inform Walker Crips Stockbrokers Limited (WCSB) if I cease to be so resident or to perform such duties or be married to, or in a civil partnership with, a person who performs such duties.I am not a resident, nor am I acting on behalf of a resident of the United States or a US Person(s), and I will not assist any such person to invest in this Plan.

  • Where there is any change to the Authorised Signatories, please notify Walker Crips in writing giving the date of change at Walker Crips Structured Investments, Finsbury Tower, 103–105 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8LZ.

More Definitions of Walker Crips

Walker Crips means as appropriate, Walker Crips Stockbrokers, Walker Crips Structured Investments or the Nominee.Dual Index Plan – Issue Nine | Walker Crips | 13The Plan Manager provides the Dual Index Plan – Issue Nine to you on the following Terms and Conditions (of which the Application Form is a part):
Walker Crips means as appropriate, Walker Crips Stockbrokers, Walker Crips Structured Investments or the Nominee.Triple Index Plan – Issue Two | Walker Crips | 13The Plan Manager provides the Triple Index Plan to you on the following Terms and Conditions (of which the Application Form is a part):
Walker Crips means as appropriate, Walker Crips Stockbrokers Ltd, Walker Crips Alternative Investments or the Investment Manager.
Walker Crips means as appropriate, Walker Crips Stockbrokers, Walker Crips Structured Investments or the Nominee. Defensive Annual Growth Plan – Issue One (Kick-out) | Walker Crips | 13The Plan Manager provides the Defensive Annual Growth Plan - Issue One (Kick-out) to you on the following Terms and Conditions (of which the Application Form is a part):
Walker Crips means as appropriate, Walker Crips Stockbrokers, Walker Crips Structured Investments or the Nominee.14 | Walker Crips | FTSE 100 Income Plan – Issue OneThe Plan Manager provides the FTSE 100 Income Plan - Issue One to you on the following Terms and Conditions (of which the Application Form is a part):
Walker Crips means as appropriate, Walker Crips Stockbrokers, Walker Crips Structured Investments or the Nominee.FTSE Growth Kick-Out Plan – Issue Two | Walker Crips | 13The Plan Manager provides the FTSE Growth Kick-Out Plan - Issue Two to you on the following Terms and Conditions (of which the Application Form is a part):

Related to Walker Crips

  • Permanent foster care placement means the place of residence in which a child resides and in

  • Named Executive Officers or “NEOs” means the following individuals:

  • County Executive means the County Executive of the County.

  • SONIAi-pLBD means, in respect of any London Banking Day falling in the relevant Observation Period, the SONIA reference rate for the London Banking Day falling "p" London Banking Days prior to the relevant London Banking Day "i".

  • bargaining council means a bargaining council registered in terms of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, and, in relation to the public service, includes the bargaining councils referred to in section 35 of that Act;

  • Clinical nurse specialist means a registered nurse with relevant post-basic qualifications and 12 months’ experience working in the clinical area of his/her specified post-basic qualification, or a minimum of four years’ post-basic registration experience, including three years’ experience in the relevant specialist field and who satisfies the local criteria.