Advanced battery definition

Advanced battery means a battery that consists of a battery cell that can be integrated into a module, pack or system to be used in energy storage applications, including a battery used in an electric vehicle or the electric grid.
Advanced battery means a battery that consists of a
Advanced battery means the new generation batteries as defined and notified by Department of Heavy Industries, including for FAME-II.

Examples of Advanced battery in a sentence

  • Advanced battery technology continues to make progress in the material handling market.

  • Advanced battery cell testing data for research and development purposes are considered Proprietary by the Partner.

  • The degradation stress factor models formed in this Chapter are exploited in the battery operation optimization tool developed for the INVADE platform in Task 6.3 as explained in deliverable D6.5 Advanced battery techno-economics tool [2].

  • Advanced battery costs need to come down at least 50 percent before all-electric on-road operation will beviable.

  • The degradation stress factor models are utilized in the battery operation optimization tool developed in Task 6.3 and presented in D6.5 Advanced battery techno-economics tool [2].

  • Advanced battery and fuel cell technologies are considered critical by NASA’s Constellation program to provide energy storage for EVA missions, the lunar lander, and lunar surface systems applications.Significant technical progress has been made in the development of lithium-ion battery components and non-flow-through fuel cell systems.

  • Recipients and Sub-Recipients Prime Recipient: Aquion Energy, Inc.Role: Advanced battery manufacturer developing sodium ion battery technology for use in both grid-tied and off-grid applications.

  • Advanced battery systems with a good operating lifetime and energy densities are important.• Advanced system integrationMany topologies are possible and system integration is becoming a major issue for these classes of ship design.

  • Advanced battery management systems: In-built programmable battery testing which constantly monitors the health of the battery.18.

  • Advanced battery systems also need to be designed and tested to provide electric power for all-electric trailer TRs while they are operating on the road.

More Definitions of Advanced battery

Advanced battery. ’ means a battery that is a sec-
Advanced battery means a battery that consists of a battery cell that can be integrated into a module, pack, or system to be used in energy storage applications, including a battery used in an electric vehicle or the electric grid.

Related to Advanced battery

  • Advanced life support means special services designed to provide definitive prehospital emergency medical care, including, but not limited to, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cardiac monitoring, cardiac defibrillation, advanced airway management, intravenous therapy, administration of specified drugs and other medicinal preparations, and other specified techniques and procedures administered by authorized personnel under the direct supervision of a base hospital as part of a local EMS system at the scene of an emergency, during transport to an acute care hospital, during interfacility transfer, and while in the emergency department of an acute care hospital until responsibility is assumed by the emergency or other medical staff of that hospital. (Amended by Stats. 1984, Ch. 1391, Sec. 4.)

  • Checked Baggage means baggage of which the carrier takes sole custody and for which the carrier issues a baggage identification tag.

  • Unchecked Baggage means any baggage (carry-on) accompanying the passenger other than checked baggage.

  • Custodial Care means help in transferring, eating, dressing, bathing, toileting and other such related activities. Custodial care does not include Covered Services determined to be Medically Necessary.

  • Professional Fee Escrow Account means an interest-bearing account funded by the Debtors with Cash on the Effective Date in an amount equal to the Professional Fee Amount.

  • Custodial Account The separate account or accounts created and maintained pursuant to Section 4.04.