advanced treatment definition
Examples of advanced treatment in a sentence
Advanced treatment of wastewater is one way of reducing the disper- sal of antibiotics, resistant bacteria and other antimicrobial agents to the environment.
Advanced treatment unit process evaluation, design and bid services, value engineering, constructability reviews, and construction management.
The septic tank effluent filter should be cleaned regularly.(4) Advanced treatment systems shall be maintained according to manufacturer’s recommendations and the conditions of the Performance Based Permit, if applicable.(5) Non-waterborne systems and holding tanks shall only be used in accordance with Rules 420-3-1-.43 Non-Waterborne Systems: Pit Privies and Portable Toilets, and 420-3-1-.44 Composting and Incinerating Toilets.
The technologies most important for the African context are discussed below.Membranes: Advanced treatment technologies are increasingly becoming the preferred choices for water, wastewater and storm water treatment in order: to cope with stringent standards, to enhance capacities (hence reduce their footprints) and to address contaminants that cannot be dealt with conventional technologies.
The recent award given by CII for the EHS excellence & NSC award given for best Safety Practices stand testimony.From the Environmental protection front, Shasun has taken many water recycling and reuse initiatives through Advanced treatment technologies like Electrochemical oxidation and coagulation.
Advanced treatment technologies are not described here Treatment of fecal sludge in industrialized countries is usually based on technologies habitual for treatment of sewage and sewage sludge.
Advanced treatment of recycled water used for indirect potable reuse involves the use of filtration processes.
A site determined to be an exceptional priority or risk to water quality is described in Section 5.3. Advanced treatment may also be required for high priority sites based upon stormwater inspections and past record of non-compliance by the operators of the construction site.
Advanced treatment may include additional process units to increase the level of treatment to the level of potable, or less than potable but greater than that normally associated with surface discharge needs.
Videregående renseteknologier for kommunalt spildevand (Advanced treatment technologies for municipal waste water).