Affordable Housing Requirement definition
Examples of Affordable Housing Requirement in a sentence
The Company shall allow the County to audit its records in connection with satisfaction of the Affordable Housing Requirement on reasonable notice by the County, by making such records available at reasonable times and locations in or in close proximity to the County’s offices in the City of Greenville, South Carolina, within ten (10) business days of receipt of such request.
The Affordable Housing Requirement related to the CCWP Parcel Bedrooms shall be satisfied by the Owners completing and deed-restricting in favor of the Town approximately twenty (20) Dwelling Units within which the forty-five (45) Bedrooms will be located, comprised of a mix of one-Bedroom Dwelling Units and multi-Bedroom Dwelling Units with up to six (6) Bedrooms.
PASSED Second Read • 151258 Planning Code - Affordable Housing Requirement and Fee in Divisadero Neighborhood Commercial Transit District.
The Planning Board may, in its discretion, approve development of the Affordable Housing Requirement off-site.
Paragraph c (Affordable Housing Requirement) of Sub-Section 5 (Incentives and affordable housing requirements) of Section 375-401 (Dimensional Standards) of Article IV (Development Standards) of Chapter 375 is amended to read as follows: (c) Affordable housing requirement.