Aggregated Account definition
Examples of Aggregated Account in a sentence
For each monthly billing period, the energy (kWh) exported to the grid (in kilowatt-hours or kWh) by the Renewable Electrical Generation Facility shall be allocated to each of the Aggregated Account meters (kWh reading), as well as the Generating Account if it has load, based on the cumulative usage at each aggregated account and the cumulative generation from the generating account from the start of the Relevant Period.
The Generating Account will also be treated as an Aggregated Account in months where it has net load.
For an Aggregated Account, (including a Generating Account) Net Energy is defined as measuring the difference between the energy (kWh) supplied by PG&E, ESP or CCA, as applicable, through the electric grid to the eligible customer-generator and the total energy (kWh) allocated to that Aggregated Account over a Relevant Period.
However, if an Aggregated Account terminates service, or experiences a change in ESP or CCA prior to the end of any 12 monthly billing cycles, its Relevant Period will consist of that period from the anniversary date until the effective date of that termination or ESP or CCA change.
Continued) d) Billing Provisions: (continued) 7) The Utility shall provide the NEM-ST Aggregation Customer with individual Aggregated Account consumption and allocated generation information with each regular monthly bill.
For a customer-generator electing Load Aggregation: (Cont’d) Once the kWh is allocated to an eligible customer-generator’sAggregated Account, that account will be treated in accordance with 2.a, 2.b, and/or 2.c above, as applies to the rate schedule on which the Aggregated Account takes service.
To qualify as an Aggregated Account, the combined annual Gas consumption measured by the multiple Meters must be greater than 50,000 Therms.
However, if an Aggregated Account that is not a Generating Account is separated from the Arrangement, and subsequently qualifies for NEM, it is also eligible for NSC.
However, if an Aggregated Account that is not a Generating Account is separated from the Arrangement, and subsequently qualifies for NEM2, it is also eligible for NSC.
To access Aggregated Accounts of Non-RBC Account Providers, you must input your Log-in Information for each Aggregated Account and it will be stored in encrypted form and used to retrieve Aggregation Information to be presented to you.