Examples of AHERA Project Designer in a sentence
The property owner or owner's agent and AHERA Project Designer that prepared the AWP shall retain a complete copy of the AWP for at least 24 months from the date it was pre- pared and make it available to the Agency upon request.
The property owner or owner's agent and the AHERA Project Designer that performed the determination shall retain a complete copy of the determination for at least 24 months from the date it was performed and make it available to the Agency upon request.
Current AHERA Project Designer Certification for the person who will be writing the work plan required as part of these submittals.
In addition to the training required for an AHERA Project Designer, persons seeking accreditation or licensure must also have a minimum of a bachelor's or advanced degree in architecture, engineering or industrial hygiene or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience as determined by the Commissioner of Labor.
Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements established under this permit shall be collected from the effluent stream prior to discharge into the receiving waters.
All persons seeking to maintain accreditation as an AHERA Project Designer must complete an annual refresher training course.
We hope to launch a Neighbourhood Nurseries Initiative in the early part of the next financial year, and this could yield valuable input to Thurrock’s young people.
AIMS & OBJECTIVES We have an on-going recruitment campaign to promote the group and expand its membership.
Work shall stop until an AHERA Project Designer (who is also a Certified Industrial Hygienist or a Licensed Professional Engineer) has re-evaluated the engi- neering controls for dust control, revised the AWP as neces- sary, and the owner or owner's agent implements all revisions to the AWP.
The Agency shall immediately be notified by the owner or owner's agent if the airborne fiber concentrations exceed a net difference of 0.01 f/cc and work shall stop until an AHERA Project Designer (who is also a Certified Indus- trial Hygienist or a Licensed Professional Engineer) has re- evaluated the engineering controls, revised the AWP as nec- essary, and the owner or owner's agent implements all revi- sions to the AWP.