flight information service means a service provided for the purpose of giving advice and information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flights;
Support Service means an activity, such as information technology, accounting, human resources, legal, and other support functions that are required to support the ongoing delivery of core services.
Alert means events may occur, are in progress, or have occurred that could lead to a release of radioactive material but that the release is not expected to require a response by offsite response organizations to protect persons offsite.
900 service means an inbound toll telecommunications service purchased by a subscriber that allows the subscriber's customers to call in to the subscriber's prerecorded announcement or live service, and which is typically marketed under the name "900 service" and any subsequent numbers designated by the federal communications commission. "900 service" does not include the charge for collection services provided by the seller of the telecommunications service to the subscriber, or services or products sold by the subscriber to the subscriber's customer.
Support Services means support in relation to the use of, and the identification and resolution of errors in, the Hosted Services, but shall not include the provision of training services;
Information Service is the offering of a capability for generating, acquiring, storing, transforming, processing, retrieving, utilizing, or making available information via Telecommunications, and includes electronic publishing, but does not include any use of any such capability for the management, control, or operation of a Telecommunications system or the management of a Telecommunications Service.
system user means a natural or legal person supplying to, or being supplied by, a transmission or distribution system;
Prescription monitoring program or "PMP" means the Wash- ington state prescription monitoring program authorized under chapter
Interface means the mixture occurring in pipeline operations between adjoining batches having similar or dissimilar physical characteristics.
UNICEF Supply Website means UNICEF's public access webpage available at http://www.unicef.org/supply/index_procurement_policies.html, as may be updated from time to time.
800 service means a telecommunications service that:
Customer Service means Company’s customer service telephone service department or representatives.
Database Management System (DBMS) A system of manual procedures and computer programs used to create, store and update the data required to provide Selective Routing and/or Automatic Location Identification for 911 systems. Day: A calendar day unless otherwise specified. Dedicated Transport: UNE transmission path between one of CenturyLink’s Wire Centers or switches and another of CenturyLink’s Wire Centers or switches within the same LATA and State that are dedicated to a particular customer or carrier. Default: A Party’s violation of any material term or condition of the Agreement, or refusal or failure in any material respect to properly perform its obligations under this Agreement, including the failure to make any undisputed payment when due. A Party shall also be deemed in Default upon such Party’s insolvency or the initiation of bankruptcy or receivership proceedings by or against the Party or the failure to obtain or maintain any certification(s) or authorization(s) from the Commission which are necessary or appropriate for a Party to exchange traffic or order any service, facility or arrangement under this Agreement, or notice from the Party that it has ceased doing business in this State or receipt of publicly available information that signifies the Party is no longer doing business in this State.
Information processing system means an electronic system for creating, generating, sending, receiving, storing, displaying, or processing information.
Online Services Terms means the additional terms that apply to Customer’s use of Online Services published on the Licensing Site and updated from time to time.
Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS) means the Governmentwide, electronic, web-based system for small business subcontracting program reporting. The eSRS is located at http://www.esrs.gov.
Regulatory Information Service means any information service authorised from time to time by the FCA for the purpose of disseminating regulatory announcements;
Information Services means the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s Electronic Municipal Market Access System; or, such other services providing information with respect to called municipal obligations as the District may specify in writing to the Paying Agent or as the Paying Agent may select.
Maintenance Manual shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 10.7; “Maintenance Programme” shall have the meaning set forth in Clause 14.3; “Maintenance Period” shall have the meaning set forth in Clause 14.1; “Maintenance Requirements” shall have the meaning set forth in Clause14.2;
Account Information Service Provider means a payment service provider pursuing business activities as referred to in point (8) of Annex I;
System Data means data and data elements collected by the SaaS Software, SaaS Service or Licensor’s computer systems regarding configuration, environment, usage, performance, vulnerabilities and security of the SaaS Software or SaaS Service that may be used to generate logs, statistics and reports regarding performance, availability, integrity and security of the SaaS Software.
Implementation Services means the supply, configuration and programming of Customer Equipment and/or Services and training where set out in an Order.
System Life means all phases of the system's development, production, or support.
account information service means an online service to provide consolidated information on one or more payment accounts held by the payment service user with either another payment service provider or with more than one payment service provider;
Customer Services means the call centre for dealing with queries about your Card. You can contact Customer Services by calling 01 693 3333, or contacting us directly.
Information Service Traffic Traffic delivered to or from an Information Service Provider for the provision of Information Service. ISP-Bound Traffic is a subset of Information Service Traffic. Inside Wire or Inside Wiring: Wiring within the customer Premises that extends to the Demarcation Point of CenturyLink’s outside plant. Inside Wire is owned or controlled by the End User (unless otherwise specified herein or under Applicable Law).