Service Bulletin definition
Examples of Service Bulletin in a sentence
MSEA-SEIU and the State agree that discrimination, intimidation, or harassment of employees, as defined by Civil Service Bulletin 13.4, including harassment because of sexual orientation, is unacceptable conduct and will not be condoned or tolerated by MSEA-SEIU or the State.
The State agrees to re- post Civil Service Bulletin 13.4 with the addendum concerning sexual harassment within sixty (60) days of the signing of this Agreement.
Preference should be given to the term used in the instructions for continued airworthiness or maintenance data (e.g. Illustrated Parts Catalogue, Aircraft Maintenance Manual, Service Bulletin, Component Maintenance Manual).
Service Letters and Service BulletinsSafety Information Notice (from October 2008 onwards, before: Alert Service Information), Information Notice (from October 2008 onwards, before: Service Information), Alert Service Bulletin, Service Bulletin Repair Design Approval Sheets.
Prior to commencement, a single method statement for the clearance of vegetation should be submitted to the LPA for consideration.