Construction Phase means that Phase of the Project which shall commence after the Authority provides the Trade Contractor with written Notice to Proceed with the Construction Phase.
Design Phase means the period during which the Transporter shall prepare a draft project proposal for publication in accordance with section 4.3;
Construction Phase Services means the coordination, implementation and execution of the Work required by this Agreement, which are further defined in Article 8.
Development Phase means the period before a vehicle type is type approved.
Phases in respect of the Project shall mean that the components of the Project are placed in service during more than one year during the Investment Period, and the word “Phase” shall therefore refer to the applicable portion of the Project placed in service in a given year during the Investment Period.
Commissioning Tests means all of the procedures and tests which, in accordance with the Reasonable and Prudent Standard, and in compliance with industry guidelines, practices and standards, are:
Contract Drawings means only those drawings specifically entitled as such and listed in the Specifications or in any Addendum, or any drawings furnished by the Commissioner, pertaining or supplemental thereto.
Single Phase Aerosol Air Freshener means an aerosol air freshener with the liquid contents in a single homogeneous phase and which does not require that the product container be shaken before use.
Commissioning test means tests applied to a distributed generation facility by the applicant after construction is completed to verify that the facility does not create adverse system impacts and performs to the submitted specifications. At a minimum, the scope of the commissioning tests performed shall include the commissioning test specified in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) Standard 1547 Section 5.4 "Commissioning tests".
main phase employment and support allowance means an employment and support allowance where the calculation of the amount payable in respect of the applicant includes a component under section 2(1)(b) or 4(2)(b) of the Welfare Reform Act 2007 except in Part 1 of Schedule 1;
Double Phase Aerosol Air Freshener means an aerosol air freshener with the liquid contents in two or more distinct phases that requires the product container be shaken before use to mix the phases, producing an emulsion.
Digital audio-visual work means a series of related images which, when shown in succession, imparts an impression of motion, together with accompanying sounds, if any.
Contract Work means everything required to be furnished and done by the Contractor by any one or more of the parts of the Contract referred to in Article 1, except Extra Work as hereinafter defined.
Period of Maintenance means the specified period of maintenance from the date of completion of the works, as certified by the Engineer.
The Project Plan means the document to be developed by the Supplier and approved by the Purchaser, pursuant to GCC Clause 19, based on the requirements of the Contract and the Preliminary Project Plan included in the Supplier’s bid. The “Agreed and Finalized Project Plan” is the version of the Project Plan approved by the Purchaser, in accordance with GCC Clause 19.2. Should the Project Plan conflict with the Contract in any way, the relevant provisions of the Contract, including any amendments, shall prevail.
Project Work means the work required to complete the Project.
Minimum Improvements means devoting the Development Property to its intended Use and construction of approximately a square foot parking facility for use as parking for the Developer as identified and set forth in Exhibit C and constructed in accordance with the Construction Plans submitted to and approved by the Authority. After completion of the Minimum Improvements, the term shall mean the Development Property as improved by the Minimum Improvements.
The Works/Project means the works to be executed or done under this contract.
Development Work means all work and services necessary or desirable in connection
Research facility means buildings and structures, including machinery and equipment, used or to be used primarily for research or experimentation to improve or develop new tangible goods or materials or to improve or develop the production processes thereto.
Mechanical Completion means that (a) all components and systems of the Project have been properly constructed, installed and functionally tested according to EPC Contract requirements in a safe and prudent manner that does not void any equipment or system warranties or violate any permits, approvals or Laws; (b) the Project is ready for testing and commissioning, as applicable; (c) Seller has provided written acceptance to the EPC Contractor of mechanical completion as that term is specifically defined in the EPC Contract.
Project Term the period from the Operation Commencement Date to the Expiry Date or the Termination Date, whichever occurs first, which is further described in Clause 3;
Commissioning means the process for determining the need for and for obtaining the supply of healthcare and related services by the Trust within available resources.
piece-work means any system by which earnings are calculated upon the quantity or output of work performed;
Development Project means a project for the development of land within a
Work crew means a program of partial confinement