Allowance transfer deadline definition

Allowance transfer deadline means midnight of January 30 or, if January 30 is not a business day, midnight of the first business day thereafter and is the deadline by which allowances may be submitted for recordation in an affected unit’s compliance subaccount for the purposes of meeting the unit’s acid rain emissions limitation requirements for sulfur dioxide for the previous calendar year.
Allowance transfer deadline means the deadline established in R307-250-10(2) when allowance transfers must be submitted for recording in a WEB source's compliance account in order to demonstrate compliance for that control period.
Allowance transfer deadline means midnight of March first (or February twenty-ninth in any leap year) or, if such day is not a business day, midnight of the first business day thereafter and is the deadline by which allowances may be submitted for recordation in an affected source's compliance account for the purposes of meeting the source's acid rain emissions limitation requirements for sulfur dioxide for the previous calendar year.

Examples of Allowance transfer deadline in a sentence

  • When recording the al- location of CAIR NOX allowances for a CAIR NOX unit in a compliance ac- count, the Administrator will assign each CAIR NOX allowance a unique identification number that will include digits identifying the year of the con- trol period for which the CAIR NOX al- lowance is allocated.§ 97.154 Compliance with CAIR NOX emissions limitation.(a) Allowance transfer deadline.

  • When recording the allocation of CAIR NOX allowances for a CAIR NOX unit in a compliance account, the Administrator will assign each CAIR NOX allowance a unique identification number that will include digits identifying the year of the control period for which the CAIR NOX allowance is allocated.§ 97.154 Compliance with CAIR NOX emissions limitation.(a) Allowance transfer deadline.

  • Allowance transfer deadline means, for a control period, midnight of March 1, if it is a business day, or, if March 1 is not a business day, midnight of the first business day thereafter immediately following the control period and is the deadline by which a Hg allowance transfer must be submitted for recordation in a Hg Budget source's compliance account in order to be used to meet the source's Hg Budget emissions limitation for such control period in accordance with §60.4154.

  • Wh e n r eco r di n g t h e a lloc a- t io n of Hg a llow a n ces fo r a Hg B u dge t un i t i n a co m pli a n ce a cco un t , t h e Ad- m i n i s t r a t o r will a ssig n e a c h Hg a llow- a n ce a un iq u e ide n t ific a t io n nu m be r t h a t will i n cl u de digi t s ide n t ify i n g t h e y e a r of t h e co n t r ol pe r iod fo r w h ic h t h e Hg a llow a n ce i s a lloc a t ed.§ 60.4154 Compliance with Hg budget emissions limitation.( a) Allowance transfer deadline.

  • Allowance transfer deadline means midnight of December 31 of a given calendar year.

More Definitions of Allowance transfer deadline

Allowance transfer deadline means, for a control period, midnight of November 30 (if it is a business day), or midnight of the first business day thereafter (if November 30 is not a business day), immediately following the control period and is the deadline by which a CAIR NOx ozone season allowance transfer must be submitted for recordation in a CAIR NOX source's compliance account in order to be used to meet the source's CAIR NOx ozone season emissions limitation for such control period in accordance with sections 9(i) and 9(j) of this rule.
Allowance transfer deadline means the deadline established in Section 2(i)(ii) of this Chapter when allowances must be submitted for recording in a WEB source’s compliance account in order to demonstrate compliance for that control period.
Allowance transfer deadline means midnight of March 1 (or February 29 in a leap year) or, if March 1 (or February 29 in a leap year) is not a business day, midnight of the first business day thereafter and is the deadline by which allowances may be sub- mitted for recordation in an affected unit’s compliance sub- account for the purposes of meeting the unit’s acid rain emissions limitation requirements for sulfur dioxide for the previous calen- dar year.
Allowance transfer deadline means the following:
Allowance transfer deadline means the deadline established in Subsection B of NMAC when allowances must be submitted for recording in a WEB source's compliance account in order to demonstrate compliance for that control period;
Allowance transfer deadline means, for a control period, midnight of March 1 (if it is a business day), or midnight of the first business day thereafter (if March 1 is not a business day), immediately following the control period and is the deadline by which a CAIR SO2 allowance transfer must be submitted for recordation in a CAIR SO2 source's compliance account in order to be used to meet the source's CAIR SO2 emissions limitation for such control period in accordance with section 8(j) and 8(k) of this rule.
Allowance transfer deadline means, for a control period, midnight of March 1 (if it is a business day), or midnight of the first business day thereafter (if March 1 is not a business day), immediately following the control period, and is the deadline by which a CAIR NOx allowance transfer must be