Examples of Allowance transfer deadline in a sentence
When recording the al- location of CAIR NOX allowances for a CAIR NOX unit in a compliance ac- count, the Administrator will assign each CAIR NOX allowance a unique identification number that will include digits identifying the year of the con- trol period for which the CAIR NOX al- lowance is allocated.§ 97.154 Compliance with CAIR NOX emissions limitation.(a) Allowance transfer deadline.
When recording the allocation of CAIR NOX allowances for a CAIR NOX unit in a compliance account, the Administrator will assign each CAIR NOX allowance a unique identification number that will include digits identifying the year of the control period for which the CAIR NOX allowance is allocated.§ 97.154 Compliance with CAIR NOX emissions limitation.(a) Allowance transfer deadline.
Allowance transfer deadline means midnight of December 31 of a given calendar year.
When recording the alloca- tion of Hg allowances for a Hg Budget unit in a compliance account, the Ad- ministrator will assign each Hg allow- ance a unique identification number that will include digits identifying the year of the control period for which the Hg allowance is allocated.§ 60.4154 Compliance with Hg budget emissions limitation.(a) Allowance transfer deadline.
Allowance transfer deadline means, for a control period, midnight of March 1 (if it is a business day), or midnight of the first business day thereafter (if March 1 is not a business day), immediately following the control period and is the deadline by which a CAIR NOX allowance transfer must be submitted for recordation in a CAIR NOXsource's compliance account in order to be used to meet the source's CAIR NOXemissions limitation for such control period in accordance with § 96.154.