Alternative provision definition
Examples of Alternative provision in a sentence
When commissioning places at alternative provision, the school will pay due regard to Alternative provision – DfE Statutory Guidance and Education for children with health needs who cannot attend school – DfE Statutory Guidance.
Further information in relation to the school’s approach to Alternative provision and AP risk assessments can be found in Appendix A of this policy.
Further information in relation to the school’s approach to Alternative provision and AP risk assessments and schools managed move protocol.
Inspectors may visit AP’s and assess their safeguarding procedures, the quality of education and how effectively the provision helps to improve pupil’s behaviour, learning, attendance and safeguarding.Further information in relation to the school’s approach to Alternative provision and AP risk assessments and schools managed move protocols can be found in Appendix A of this policy.
Alternative provision and early years settings (private, voluntary and independent) are not included within school census.