Angel Shares definition
Examples of Angel Shares in a sentence
The Angel Shares held by Laguna Bay Group and its associates (presently 32,227,062 Angel Shares) are excluded from the Scheme Meeting, and accordingly Laguna Bay Group will not participate nor vote in the Scheme Meeting.
The Angel IBC considers that it is appropriate for Angel Shareholders, in considering the Scheme, to be aware that there are a number of risk factors associated with the Scheme, as well as with respect to Angel, general and specific, which could materially adversely affect the future operating and financial performance of Angel and the value of Angel Shares.
The voting power figure includes approximately 15.33% of the Angel Shares in which an Associate of Laguna Bay, Mr Halman, has a Relevant Interest but in which the Laguna Bay Group does not have a Relevant Interest.
The Scheme Consideration of $0.20 per Scheme Share provides Angel Shareholders with certainty of value for their Angel Shares (subject to the Scheme becoming Effective) and the opportunity for Angel Shareholders to realise certain cash value in the near term, which may not be achieved if the Scheme does not proceed.
There is a risk that any material or costly dispute or litigation could adversely affect the reputation or financial performance of Angel or the price of Angel Shares.
Except as disclosed in section 5.8(a) above, none of Laguna Bay, BidCo or their Associates, to the best of their knowledge, have provided or agreed to provide consideration for any Angel Shares under any other transaction during the period four months before the date of this Scheme Booklet.
Angel will apply for cessation of the official quotation of Angel Shares on the ASX and to have itself removed from the official list of the ASX, with effect on and from the close of trading on the trading day immediately following, or shortly after, the Implementation Date.
You will not incur any brokerage on the transfer of your Angel Shares to BidCo under the Scheme.
Given that the proposal from Laguna Bay Group provided for Mr Halman to continue to hold Angel Shares post-Implementation of the Scheme, Mr Halman will not be voting his 8,591,283 Scheme Shares and is not giving a voting recommendation to Angel Shareholders in his capacity as a director.
The disposal of the Angel Shares by Angel Shareholders under the Scheme will constitute a CGT event (CGT Event A1) for Australian income tax purposes.