Animal feeding operation structure definition

Animal feeding operation structure means the same as defined in section 459.102.
Animal feeding operation structure means the same as defined in 567—65.1(455B 459,459B), means a confinement building, manure storage structure, or egg washwater storage structure.
Animal feeding operation structure means the same as defined in 567—65.1(459,459B).

More Definitions of Animal feeding operation structure

Animal feeding operation structure means a confinement building, manure storage structure, dry bedded confinement feeding operation structure as defined in section 459B.102, or egg washwater storage structure.
Animal feeding operation structure as defined in 567—65.1(455B), means a confinement building, manure storage structure, or egg washwater storage structure.
Animal feeding operation structure means the
Animal feeding operation structure as defined in 567—65.1(455B), means a confinement building, an anaero- bic lagoon, formed manure storage structure, or egg washwa- ter storage structure, earthen manure storage basin, or con- finement building.
Animal feeding operation structure means the same as

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