Non-Trading Operation definition

Non-Trading Operation means any operation involving the deposit of funds, withdrawal from a Client's Account or the provision (return) of Credit.
Non-Trading Operation means a deposit or withdrawal transaction in the Client’s account or a transfer between the Client’s accounts;
Non-Trading Operation means any operation involving the deposit of funds, withdrawal from a Client's Account or the provision (return) of Credit. "Trader’s Room Number” shall mean the unique number assigned to each Client upon acceptance of this Agreement. “Open Positions” shall mean aggregate risk disclosure, arising from buy or sell of financial instruments in accordance with Client instructions pending for subsequent counter-transaction to close/settle such market trades/disclosures. "Written Notification” shall mean an electronic document (including faxes, emails, internal mail on the client terminal etc.) or an announcement on the Company's website. “Processing Center” shall mean a legal entity or its department that supports the informational and technological interaction between payment participants. “Business Day” shall mean a working day from Monday till Friday. “Free Margin” shall mean free equity in transaction account, which can be used to open a new position. “Server” shall mean all programs and technology used to make and carry out the Client's instructions, as well as presenting trading information in real time (the information технический анализ рынков, совершать торговые операции, выставлять/изменять/удалять ордера, а также получать сообщения от Компании. «Котировка» — информация о текущем курсе инструмента, выраженная в виде Bid и Ask. «Курс» — стоимость единицы базовой валюты, выраженная в валюте котировки. «Личный Кабинет» — индивидуальное пространство Клиента на Веб-сайте Компании, доступ к которому открывается после введения уникального логина и пароля. Эта защищенная область, предназначенная для идентификации Клиента, поддержки его счетов, ведения реестра проведенных сделок и информационной поддержки работы Клиента. «Неактивный торговый счет» — торговый счет Клиента, на котором в течение 3 календарных месяцев подряд не было открыто ни одной позиции, не было выставлено ни одного отложенного ордера и не было совершено ни одной неторговой операции. «Неторговая операция» — операция внесения на Счет Клиента, снятия денежных средств со Счета Клиента или предоставления (возврата) Кредита. «Номер Личного Кабинета» — уникальный номер, предоставляемый каждому Клиенту, принявшему настоящее соглашение. «Открытые позиции» означает совокупный рыночный риск, возникающий вследствие покупки/продажи финансовых инструментов в соответствии распоряжениями Клиента, существующий все время до последующего закрытия этих рыночных сделок/рисков обратными сделками. «Письменное уведо...

Examples of Non-Trading Operation in a sentence

  • Non-Trading Operation – any operation related to top-up of the Client’s Trading Account with necessary funds or withdrawal of funds from the Trading Account.

  • The Client may not make a complaint about a Non-Trading Operation unless that operation is logged.

  • However, the Company shall, on the grounds of a Funds Withdrawal Order received from the Client, perform Debiting of the Funds from the Client's Account in the manner and on the terms prescribed by Non-Trading Operation Regulations, in the amount not exceeding the Free Balance of Funds on the Client's Account and not less than the fee for Funds Debiting withheld by the Company from the amount specified in the Order, in compliance with the rates fixed by the Company for the account management services.

  • Non-Trading Operation:** Any Customer Account operation (crediting or debiting funds).

  • Instrument Intellectual Property Rights Introducing Broker (also known as “Introducing Agent” or compensated by AX Financials through fees or commissions for he act of “Referral Agent”) Locked Position Long Position Loss Lot Lot Size Market Hours Necessary Margin Negative Swap Non-Trading Operation Open Position A particular Currency Pair under a Contract for Currencies.

More Definitions of Non-Trading Operation

Non-Trading Operation means any operation performed by the Client that involves the depositing of funds to their Client Account, the withdrawal of funds ‘from their Client Account, or the internal transfer of funds between Client Accounts in MyFXTM. The terms and definitions applicable to these Regulations are specified in Clause 1 of the Client Agreement, which can be found in the “Account Opening Agreements” subsection, located in the “Policies and Regulation” section on the Company Website. In cases where certain provisions of these Regulations concerning non-trading operations contradict those in the Client Agreement or the Terms of Business, the provisions of these Regulations shall prevail. This provision does not render other terms of the aforementioned documents invalid.
Non-Trading Operation means any operation involving the deposit or withdrawal of funds to/from a Client’s External Account.
Non-Trading Operation means any operation that involves deposit of funds, withdrawal funds from the Client’s account or the return of credit. “Order” — means the Client’s instruction sent by him to the Company with the purpose to open/close a trade when the price reaches order level or to place, change or delete the order level.
Non-Trading Operation means any operation performed by the Client that involves the depositing of funds to their Client Account, the withdrawal of funds from their Client Account, or the internal transfer of funds between Client Accounts.
Non-Trading Operation means operation involving the deposit of funds, withdrawal from a Client’s account or transfers of funds between transitory and trading accounts of the Client. “Open Position” shall mean the result of the first part of a completed transaction. In this case the Client shall be obliged to:
Non-Trading Operation means operation involving the deposit of funds, withdrawal from a Client’s 1 For example, if the Client opens two buy lots, and three sell lots for the same instrument, then two buy lots and two sell lots are identified as locked positions, and one buy lot is identified as a non-locked position. account or transfers of funds between transitory and trading accounts of the Client.
Non-Trading Operation means any operation involving the deposit of funds, withdrawal from a Client's Account or the provision (return) of Credit. “Trader’s Room Number” shall mean the unique number assigned to each Client upon acceptance of this Agreement.