Animal hospital definition

Animal hospital means a building used by veterinarians primarily for the purposes of the consultation, diagnosis and office treatment of household pets, but shall not include long-term board facilities for animals nor kennels.
Animal hospital means all animal care facilities, including veterinary offices, animal boarding facilities and hospitals.
Animal hospital means any building or portion thereof designed for the care, observation or treatment of animals.

Examples of Animal hospital in a sentence

  • Animal hospital, veterinary services, kennels, or animal boarding.

  • Animal hospital or animal boarding facility provided all board arrangements are maintained within a building and no noise connected with the operation of the facility is audible beyond the premises.

  • Animal hospital - An enterprise for the care and treatment of the diseases and injuries of animals, and where animals may be boarded during their treatment and convalescence.

  • Animal hospital or clinic means an establishment where animals are admitted principally for examination, treatment, board or care by a doctor of veterinary medicine.

  • Animal hospital and veterinary clinic: one space per two hundred fifty gsf.

More Definitions of Animal hospital

Animal hospital means a development where livestock as well as domestic pets are cared for and treated. Animal hospitals primarily involve out-patient care, but may include medical procedures involving hospitalisation for more than four (4) days. All animals shall be kept within an enclosed building. Animal hospitals are distinct from veterinary clinics (which serve only domestic pets) and do not include small animal breeding and boarding establishments;
Animal hospital means a veterinary clinical centre offering inpatient and outpatient service with facility for surgery, radiology, clinical pathology, dispensary, ward accommodation and provision for twenty four hour surveillance of patients;
Animal hospital means a facility maintained by, or for the use of, a licensed veterinarian in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of animal diseases where the animals are limited to dogs, cats, or other comparable household pets and where the overnight care of said animals is prohibited except when necessary in the medical treatment of the animal.
Animal hospital means a building or part of a building or structure, with no outdoor animal facilities, which is under the control and supervision of a qualified veterinarian who is a member of the Ontario Veterinarian Association, where animals, fish or birds are given medical treatment and also means a pet grooming establishment and pet rescue and adoption establishment, specifically domestic cats, dogs and rabbits, with no outdoor animal facilities.”
Animal hospital means a facility at which a licensed veterinarian provides medical treatment and consultation for animals which may stay temporarily at the facility for medical procedures or observation.
Animal hospital means a facility for the care, grooming, diagnosis and medical treatment of animals and those in need of surgical procedures and may include overnight accommodations on premises for treatment, observation and/or recuperation.
Animal hospital means a place where animals or pets are given medical or surgical treatment and are cared for during the time of such treatment. Use as a kennel shall be limited to short-time boarding and shall be only incidental to such hospital use.