Commercial Development Plan means the written commercialization plan attached as Appendix E.
Initial Development Plan has the meaning set forth in Section 3.2(b).
site development plan means a dimensioned plan drawn to scale that indicates details of the proposed land development, including the site layout, positioning of buildings and structures, property access, building designs and landscaping;
Global Development Plan has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.
Redevelopment Plan means the “Lincoln Center Redevelopment Plan” passed, adopted and approved by the City pursuant to the Resolution, and shall include any amendment of said Redevelopment Plan heretofore or hereafter made by the City pursuant to law.
Development Plan has the meaning set forth in Section 3.2.
Individual development account means a contract between an account holder and a fiduciary organization, for the deposit of funds into a financial institution by the account holder, and the deposit of matching funds into the financial institution by the fiduciary organization, to allow the account holder to accumulate assets for use toward achieving a specific purpose approved by the fiduciary organization.
Development Plans means a coherent set of operations defined and financed exclusively by the OCTs in the framework of their own policies and strategies of development, and those agreed upon between an OCT and the Member State to which it is linked;
Integrated Development Plan means a plan formulated and approved as envisaged in Section 25 of the Municipal Systems Act 2000, as amended.
Commercialization Plan has the meaning set forth in Section 6.2.
Clinical Development means the conduct of clinical trials in humans to assess the dosing, safety and/or efficacy of the Product, including but not limited to Phase I Clinical Trials, Phase II Clinical Trials, Phase Ill Clinical Trials and Phase IV Clinical Trials.
Commercial Development means any development on private land that is not heavy industrial or residential. The category includes, but is not limited to: hospitals, laboratories and other medical facilities, educational institutions, recreational facilities, plant nurseries, car wash facilities, mini-malls and other business complexes, shopping malls, hotels, office buildings, public warehouses and other light industrial complexes.
Annual Work Plan and Budget means the work plan and budget approved by the Bank and adopted by the Borrower in accordance with the provisions of Section I.C of Schedule 2 of this Agreement, as said work plan and budget may be modified from time to time with the written agreement of the Bank.
Infill development means new construction on a vacant commercial lot currently held as open space.
municipal spatial development framework means a municipal spatial development framework adopted by the Municipality in terms of Chapter 5 of the Municipal Systems Act;
Economic development incentive means a financial incentive,
spatial development framework means the Mhlontlo Municipal Spatial Development Framework prepared and adopted in terms of sections 20 and 21 of the Act and Chapter 2 of this By-Law;
Annual Work Plan means each work plan approved by the Association under Section I.C of Schedule 2 to this Agreement for inclusion in the Project.
Joint Development Committee or “JDC” has the meaning set forth in Section 3.10.
Economic development project means land and existing or planned improvements suitable for use by an industrial or commercial enterprise, or housing development, or the protection of the environment, including, but not limited to, groundwater or surface water. Economic development project includes necessary buildings, improvements, or structures suitable for and intended for or incidental to use as an industrial or commercial enterprise or housing development; and includes industrial park or industrial site improvements and port improvements or housing development incidental to an industrial or commercial enterprise; and includes the machinery, furnishings, and equipment necessary, suitable, intended for, or incidental to a commercial, industrial, or residential use in connection with the buildings or structures.
Development Phase means the period before a vehicle type is type approved.
experimental development means acquiring, combining, shaping and using existing scientific, technological, business and other relevant knowledge and skills with the aim of developing new or improved products, processes or services. This may also include, for example, activities aiming at the conceptual definition, planning and documentation of new products, processes or services;
Project Management Plan means the portion of the Project Development Plan providing the information requested in Section 4.2 of Exhibit B to the ITP.
Marketing Plan has the meaning set forth in Section 4.3(a).
Development Team means the entities and professionals assembled to develop and manage the Project, typically including the Applicant, Owner, Developer(s), Co-Developer(s) and general partner or any other related entities in which the Developer or Co-Developer has an identity of interest or a Controlling Interest.
Joint Development Agreement has the meaning provided in Section 5.3.