Appendix 4 definition

Appendix 4. For a fire suppression system type.
Appendix 4 means the provisions of the Plan contained in Appendix 4, which covers Employees employed at the Charlotte, North Carolina Plant and represented by the union identified in Appendix 4.
Appendix 4 contains the training services to be provided for the System or Services; “Appendix 5” contains the maintenance and support services to be provided for the System; “Appendix 6” contains the hosting and support services to be provided for the System;

Examples of Appendix 4 in a sentence

  • The parties agree to remove from Appendix 4 those superior conditions which no longer have application.

  • The Applicant must submit its full budget, including projected income, for the current fiscal year, using a format at least as detailed as that presented in Appendix 4.

  • The draft LGIA shall be in the form of the ISO’s Commission-approved LGIA, which is in Appendix 4 to this Attachment X.

  • Documents should conform to the formatting guidelines outlined in Appendix 4.

  • Each attachment in the Attachments Form must be uploaded as an individual PDF file in accordance with the formatting guidelines listed in Appendix 4.

More Definitions of Appendix 4

Appendix 4. Lead Standardized Patient Job Description Posting Appendix 5: Standardized Patient Job Description Posting Appendix 6: Simulation Coordinator Job Description Posting
Appendix 4. The Faculty’s action plan for equality (“Fakultetets handlingsplan for ligestilling”, september 2005)
Appendix 4 contains details of the training program, for users of the System;
Appendix 4. Categorization of Education Attainment Animation Consumption Living with Kid Other Regressors
Appendix 4The system user's chosen services, products, etc. (prepared later)
Appendix 4 means the appendix in the ITU RR that includes, but is not limited to, the consolidated list and tables of characteristics for use in the application of coordination: the submission of advance publication information; the procedure for effecting coordination; notification and recording of frequency assignments and Plan modifications, as more fully described and set out in the ITU RR.