Apple SDKs definition
Examples of Apple SDKs in a sentence
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Xcode and Apple SDKs Agreement, under this Agreement You may develop Libraries for iOS, watchOS and tvOS using the applicable Apple SDKs that are provided as part of the Xcode and Apple SDKs license, provided that any such Libraries are developed and distributed solely for use with an iOS Product, Apple Watch or Apple TV and that You limit use of such Libraries only to use with such products.
You agree not to install, use or run the Apple SDKs on any non-Apple-branded computer, and not to install, use or run the Apple SDKs, iOS, watchOS, tvOS, iPadOS, and/or macOS, and Provisioning Profiles on or in connection with devices other than Apple-branded products, or to enable others to do so.
Applications (and any third party with whom You have contracted to serve advertising) may not collect user or device data without prior user consent, whether such data is obtained directly from the user or through the use of the Apple Software, Apple Services, or Apple SDKs, and then only to provide a service or function that is directly relevant to the use of the Application, or to serve advertising in accordance with Sections 3.3.12.
If You have entered or later enter into the Xcode and Apple SDKs Agreement, this iOS Developer Program University Student Agreement will govern in the event of any inconsistencies between the two with respect to the same subject matter; provided, however, that the iOS Developer Program University Student Agreement is not intended to prevent You from exercising any rights granted to You in the Xcode and Apple SDKs Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth therein.