Approved Seller definition
Examples of Approved Seller in a sentence
On each Monthly Determination Date, the Approved Seller shall pay to the Trustee an amount equal to all Loan Offset Interest Amounts for the Monthly Collection Period immediately preceding that Monthly Determination Date.
The Security Trustee covenants for the benefit of the Approved Seller that it will comply with clause 12.4(l)(i) of the Master Trust Deed in relation to any Receivable Security or Related Security which the Chargor or the Approved Seller has notified in writing to the Security Trustee is affected by a Trust Back.
The parties agree that the Approved Seller is to be an Approved Seller for the purposes of the Master Trust Deed, this Supplementary Terms Notice and the other Transaction Documents for the Trust.
The Approved Seller may only provide a Further Advance if the Approved Seller purchases the relevant Housing Loan from the Trustee.
On April 7, 2016, SCAG’s Regional Council adopted the 2016-2040 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (2016-2040 RTP/SCS).