Archival value definition

Archival value means records which have been selected by the department of history, arts, and libraries as having enduring worth because they document the growth and development of this state from earlier times, including the territorial period; they evidence the creation, organization, development, operation, functions, or effects of state agencies; or because they contain significant information about persons, things, problems, or conditions dealt with by state agencies.
Archival value means those public records, as determined by state archivist's appraisal, that are worthy of long-term or permanent preservation by the archives due to their historical, legal, fiscal, evidential, or informational value, or are designated such by statute.
Archival value means the ongoing usefulness or significance of Records, based on the administrative, legal, fiscal, evidential or historical information they contain, justifying their continued preservation.

Examples of Archival value in a sentence

  • Archival value (also permanent value, continuing value, enduring value, and indefinite value), n.

  • Examples of Non Public Records relating to the History of the City that may have Archival value include: Personal/Private Letters Personal/Private Manuscripts Personal/Private Photographs Personal/Private Films and slides Drawings, postal cards and portraits Business RecordsNewspapers, Journals, Magazines, Books, Newsletters Personal/Private Calendars and/or Diaries The Archives may also collect Non-Public Records as follows: Private papers of public officials who’s Public Records are in the Archives.

  • Appraising Scientific Records to Determine NOAA Archival value The second process step involves appraising the scientific records.B.1 DesIgnAte An AppRAIsAl teAmThe office Director of the Noaa Facility appoints an appraisal Team that will perform an appraisal of the records.

  • Records that hold Archival value contain usefulness or significance for understanding the history of a College, Department, notable individual, or the University at large.

  • FRAUD REPORTING Any individual who has reasonable cause to believe that the fiscal practices or actions (wrongful conduct) of an employee or school board member violates any local, state, federal law or rule and regulation relating to the financial practices of the district shall make a report using the Fraud Report Form.

More Definitions of Archival value

Archival value means being of permanent and enduring national or historical value or both;
Archival value means records which have been selected by the department of history, arts, and libraries as having enduring worth because they document the growth and development of this state from earlier times, including the territorial period; they evidence the creation, organization, development, operation, functions, or effects of state agencies; or because they
Archival value. , in relation to a record, means that the record warrants continued preservation because of its significant or enduring historical, administrative, fiscal, legal or other worth, as determined by the City Archivist.
Archival value means the evidential and informational value of records which are determined during appraisal, and justify their preservation as archives.
Archival value means the ongoing usefulness or significance of a record based on the administrative, legal, fiscal, evidential, or historical information it contains, justifying its permanent preservation.
Archival value means those public records, as deter- mined by state archivist's appraisal, that are worthy of indef- inite or permanent preservation by the archives due to their historical, legal, fiscal, evidential, or informational value.
Archival value means being of permanent and enduring