Customer-Funded Upgrade definition

Customer-Funded Upgrade means any Network Upgrade, Local Upgrade, or Merchant Network Upgrade for which cost responsibility (i) is imposed on an Interconnection Customer or an Eligible Customer pursuant to Tariff, Part VI, section 217, or (ii) is voluntarily undertaken by a New Service Customer in fulfillment of an Upgrade Request. No Network Upgrade, Local Upgrade or Merchant Network Upgrade or other transmission expansion or enhancement shall be a Customer-Funded Upgrade if and to the extent that the costs thereof are included in the rate base of a public utility on which a regulated return is earned.
Customer-Funded Upgrade means any Network Upgrade, Local Upgrade, or Merchant Network Upgrade for which cost responsibility (i) is imposed on an Interconnection Customer or an Eligible Customer pursuant to Tariff, section 217, or (ii) is voluntarily undertaken by a New Service Customer in fulfillment of an Upgrade Request. No Network Upgrade, Local Upgrade or Merchant Network Upgrade or other transmission expansion or enhancement shall be a Customer-Funded Upgrade if and to the extent that the costs thereof are included in the rate base of a public utility on which a regulated return is earned.
Customer-Funded Upgrade means any Network Upgrade, Local Upgrade, or Merchant Network Upgrade for which cost responsibility (i) is imposed on an Interconnection Customer or an Eligible Customer pursuant to Tariff, Part VI, section 217, or (ii) is voluntarily undertaken by

Examples of Customer-Funded Upgrade in a sentence

  • No Network Upgrade, Local Upgrade or Merchant Network Upgrade or other transmission expansion or enhancement shall be a Customer-Funded Upgrade if and to the extent that the costs thereof are included in the rate base of a public utility on which a regulated return is earned.

  • A request pursuant to Section 7.8 of Schedule 1 of the Operating Agreement, submitted in the form prescribed in Attachment EE of the Tariff, for evaluation by the Transmission Provider of the feasibility and estimated costs of, (a) a particular proposed Customer-Funded Upgrade or (b) the Customer-Funded Upgrades that would be needed to provide the Incremented Auction Revenue Rights specified in the request.

  • Customer-Funded Upgrade analyses:All entities requesting interconnection of a generating facility (including increases to the capacity of an existing generating unit) or requesting interconnection of amerchant transmission facility within the PJM RTO must do so within PJM’s defined interconnection process.

  • Customer-Funded Upgrade analyses:A Customer-Funded Upgrade is a Network Upgrade, Local Upgrade, or Merchant Network Upgrade (Network Upgrade) the cost of which is paid for by a New Service Customer.

  • As a result of this potential mismatch due to timing, a baseline upgrade might be planned but a Supplemental Project or Customer-Funded Upgrade could be identified in their respective processes as needed prior to the baseline upgrade.

  • For example, generally a baseline upgrade is identified five years into the future; however, a Supplemental Project for a new customer interconnection may be identified only 2 years into the future or a customer in the queue may advance construction of its facilities, requiring a Customer-Funded Upgrade, prior to when a baseline upgrade might be identified as needed.

  • A review of these circumstances might identify that a Supplemental Project or Customer-Funded Upgrade will fully or partially eliminate the violation identified in the baseline studies, which led to the specification of the need for the baseline upgrade.

  • Once the baseline upgrade addressing the same system need as the Supplemental Project or Customer-Funded Upgrade is approved by the PJM Board, PJM will monitor such baseline upgrade and will cancel the baseline upgrade when construction of the Supplemental Project or Customer-Funded Upgrade is completed and PJM has verified that the baseline upgrade is no longer required.

  • Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (AAQM) was carried out at 8 locations during the study period for PM10, PM2.5, Sulphur Dioxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, Ozone (as O3), Lead (as Pb), Carbon Monoxide (as CO), Ammonia (as NH3), Benzene (as C6H6), Benzo (a), Pyrene (BaP) particulate phase only, Arsenic (as As), Nickel (as Ni), HCl, CL2 and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).

  • If a Supplemental Project or Customer-Funded Upgrade might ,impact the need for an existing baseline upgrade, PJM will review the circumstances specific to the proposed projects and will inform the stakeholders as to the identification of any potential overlap among the different system upgrades.

More Definitions of Customer-Funded Upgrade

Customer-Funded Upgrade means any Network Upgrade, Local Upgrade, or Merchant Network Upgrade for which cost responsibility (i) is imposed on an Interconnection Customer or an Eligible Customer pursuant to Tariff, Part VI, section 217, or (ii) is voluntarily undertaken by a New Service Customer in fulfillment of an Upgrade Request. No Network Upgrade, Local Upgrade or Merchant Network Upgrade or other transmission expansion or enhancement shall be
Customer-Funded Upgrade means any Network Upgrade, Local Upgrade, or Merchant
Customer-Funded Upgrade means any Network Upgrade, Distribution Upgrade, or Merchant Network Upgrade for which cost responsibility (i) is imposed on a Project Developer or Eligible Customer pursuant to Tariff, Part VII. Section [to be provided], Subpart D, section 307(A)(5), or (ii) is voluntarily undertaken by an Upgrade Customer in fulfillment of an Upgrade Request. No Network Upgrade, Distribution Upgrade or Merchant Network Upgrade or other transmission expansion or enhancement shall be a Customer-Funded Upgrade if and to the extent that the costs thereof are included in the rate base of a public utility on which a regulated return is earned.
Customer-Funded Upgrade means any Network Upgrade, Local Upgrade, or Merchant Network Upgrade for which cost responsibility (i) is imposed on an Interconnection Customer or an Eligible Customer pursuant to Section 217 of the Tariff, Part VI, section 217, or
Customer-Funded Upgrade means any Network Upgrade, Local Upgrade, or Merchant Network Upgrade for which cost responsibility (i) is imposed on an Interconnection Customer or an Eligible Customer pursuant to Section 217 of the Tariff, Part VI, section 217, or (ii) is voluntarily undertaken by a market participantNew Service Customer in fulfilmentfulfillment of an Upgrade Request pursuant to Section 7.8 of Schedule 1 of the Operating Agreement. . No Network Upgrade, Local Upgrade or Merchant Network Upgrade or other transmission expansion or enhancement shall be a Customer-Funded Upgrade if and to the extent that the costs thereof are included in the rate base of a public utility on which a regulated return is earned.

Related to Customer-Funded Upgrade

  • Software Upgrade means a release of Software, in object code form, or firmware, which adds new functionality and feature enhancements to the Software or Equipment. Kodak software releases that are designated as Software Upgrade will be identified A.B.x where the A &B designates the release as a Software Upgrade.

  • Customer Facility means Generation Facilities or Merchant Transmission Facilities interconnected with or added to the Transmission System pursuant to an Interconnection Request under Subpart A of Tariff, Part IV.

  • Stand Alone System Upgrade Facilities means System Upgrade Facilities that a Developer may construct without affecting day-to-day operations of the New York State Transmission System during their construction. NYISO, the Connecting Transmission Owner and the Developer must agree as to what constitutes Stand Alone System Upgrade Facilities and identify them in Appendix A to this Agreement.

  • Generation Interconnection Customer means an entity that submits an Interconnection Request to interconnect a new generation facility or to increase the capacity of an existing generation facility interconnected with the Transmission System in the PJM Region.