Examples of Area background in a sentence
In the Pick ‘n Pay case, the taxpayer’s argument was that the expenditure was incurred for advertising purposes.
Candidates will fill out an application with the following information provided: Name, jurisdiction of residenceaddress, contact information phone number, email address, occupation, familiarity with the Fargo-Moorhead Metro Area, background related to bicycle and pedestrian movement, why applicant would like to serve on the Committee, and other pertinent questions.two (2) references.
Factors that should be considered when developing radiation detection and monitoring programs are: • Area background radiation level,• Detector efficiency and ruggedness,• Detector calibration and response checks,• Detector positioning and shielding,• Detector element physical protection,• Counting time,• Alarm set point,• Overall system sensitivity, and• Alarm response procedures and training.
The contribution of the Danish project partner could be:• To plan the initiatives in details together with the Lake Peipsi partners and to prepare proposals for how to implement the initiatives• To contribute knowledge• To co-ordinate the cooperation with possible EU stakeholders.APPENDIXLake Peipsi Area background informationA.1 OUTLINE OF THE REGIONLake Peipsi (Peipus, Chudskoje) forms a natural border between Estonia and Russia.
Thief Bay Pool drawdown (foreground); spruce/tamarack trees in Wilderness Area (background).
The Municipal Service Review (MSR) includes the following information: • LAFCO requirements for MSRs • Lake County and Cobb Area background • Description of water service provided by Cobb Area CWD • Analysis of Cobb Area CWD’s capability to serve existing and future residents in the area 1.1 LAFCO's Responsibilities Local Agency Formation Commissions are quasi-legislative local agencies created in 1963 to assist the State in encouraging the orderly development and formation of local agencies.
S, ‘ASEAN–China Free Trade Area: background, implications and future development‘ (2002), Journal of Asian Economics volume 13, issue 5 (on line), Available: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=RedirectURL&_method=externObjLink&_locator=url&_cdi=6559 &_plusSign=%2B&_targetURL=http%253A%252F%252F%2520www.aseansec.org%252Fnewdata%252Fa sean_china_bc.htgm.
We also wonder about recruiting candidates who have an ELL/Content Area background in order to strengthen the theory and practice bridge.
Lessee shall keep the property and all Tenant Improvements lien free, shall timely pay all bills and invoices for the Tenant Improvements and shall minimize any disturbances to the Building, neighbors and other tenants at the Building.
All Portable Sign Area, background and copy shall be continuously maintained in clean, readable condition.