Examples of Area G in a sentence
Regulated Area Requirements - Containment Barriers/Isolation of Regulated Area G.
The registered office of the Company is located at 1st Floor, TF Complex, 7 - Mauve Area, G - 9/4, Islamabad.
Area G is the largest remaining creek work area requiring PCB soil removal.
It is noted that the Valley power plant is located in Area G (Lower Hudson Valley) and the actual capacity prices for the Valley power plants are impacted by the seasonal tenders, the monthly tenders and the SPOT prices, with variable capacity prices every month, as well as bilateral agreements with energy suppliers in the market.
Past issues with the Area G Safety Basis were analyzed and corrected.Table 3.3.4-2 Activities and Compliance Dates for 10–100 nCi/g Waste The estimated waste volumes will be subtracted from the MTRU STP inventory and added to the MLLW STP inventory as the waste is reclassified as MLLW.
Table I–18 Material Disposal Area G Solid Waste Management Unit GroupingsSubsurface Disposal and Storage Units SWMU = solid waste management unit.
As a minimum, EM operational activities in Area G and MDA-L constitute conducting industrial activities at LANL.
Although DOE is closing Area G, the ability to prepare transuranic waste for shipment and disposal remains essential in order for Los Alamos National Laboratory to perform its role in NNSA’s nuclear weapon Stockpile Stewardship Program.
Area G is a terms-of-trade effect which here constitutes a welfare loss (compared to the earlier protection) and which arises because the increase in Canada’s import demand, following liberalization, pushes up the world market price.
Table I–17 Material Disposal Area G Summary Shaft Informationa MAP-MFP: mixed activation products or mixed fission products.