ASIAN COUNTRIES means Bangladesh, China, India, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Syria, U.A.E. and Vietnam.
ASIAN COUNTRIES means Japan, People's Republic of China, Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx xx Xxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxx of the Philippines, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Kingdom of Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Kingdom of Thailand, Singapore, Federation of Malaysia, Republic of Indonesia, Democratic Republic of East Timor, Brunei, Union of Myanmar, Kingdom of Bhutan, Kingdom of Nepal, People's Republic of Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Republic of Maldives, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Turkey, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic State of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan Republic, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Turkmenistan, Republic of Tadzhikistan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Republic of Russia.
ASIAN COUNTRIES means one or more of the following: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Peoples Republic of China (including Hong Kong and Macao), Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

Examples of ASIAN COUNTRIES in a sentence

  • RANDALL PEERENBOOM, Varieties of Rule of Law, in ASIAN DISCOURSES OF RULEOF LAW: THEORIES AND IMPLEMENTATION OF LAW IN TWELVE ASIAN COUNTRIES, FRANCE ANDTHE U.S 1, 26 (2004) (noting problems common to developing countries involving access to justice, inefficient and expensive courts, judicial corruption and judicial incompetence).

  • TABLE 5 GLOBAL RANKINGS OF QUALITY OF INFRASTRUCTURE IN SOUTH ASIAN COUNTRIES (-): not applicableSource: Logistics Performance Indicators, 2009.weak compared not only to other leading ports on the continent, but also smaller ports such as Laem Chabang in Thailand, where the lead time to import is 1.54 days (Banerjee and Roy, 2010).

  • STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF EDUCATION ON INCOME INEQUALITY IN SOUTHEAST ASIAN COUNTRIES Recent studies found that the wage gaps between those with higher and lower education have been growing for the past years as people with a higher education earned far more over their lifetimes compared to those people having lower education.

  • In 2003 and the beginning of Figure 1.11 REAL EFFECTIVE EXCHANGE RATE FOR SELECTED ASIAN COUNTRIES, 1997–2004 some industries, especially steel, aluminium and cement, partly as a result of rocketing domestic demand for private housing.

  • FIGURE 1TRADE SHARE OF SOUTH ASIAN COUNTRIES (%) Source: Prepared by the researcher.exports.

  • CENTRALIZATION-DECENTRALIZATION CONTINUUM IN ASIAN COUNTRIES ADMINISTRATION Relatively RelativelyMore Centralized More Decentralized Singapore MalaysiaRelativelyMore Centralized P O L I T I C S RelativelyMore Decentralized Source: Adapted from P.D. Hutchcroft, "Centralization and Decentralization in Administration and Politics: Assessing Territorial Dimensions of Authority and Power," Governance: An Internal Journal of Policy and Administration, 14 (January 2001):39.

  • The alternate for the ASIAN COUNTRIES said that they did not support the proposal for the Board to delegate authority to the Secretariat to approve any changes to project budgets up to 10% above the originally agreed budget.


  • Vyas, 2005, From Elimination of Hunger to Food and Nutrition Security: Performance, Prospects and Policy Options in Selected Asian Countries, in FOOD SECURITY IN ASIAN COUNTRIES IN THE CONTEXT OF MILLENIUM GOALS 13,14 (Vijay S Vyas, ed., 2005).


More Definitions of ASIAN COUNTRIES

ASIAN COUNTRIES means any countries in the Asian region which Brightstar and Mitsui (as a result of the joint market survey) shall agree upon in writing.
ASIAN COUNTRIES means one or more of the following: [***].


  • Indian country means (i) all land within the limits of any Indian reservation under the jurisdiction of the United States government, notwithstanding the issuance of any patent, and including rights-of-way running through the reservation; (ii) all dependent Indian communities with the borders of the United States whether within the originally or subsequently acquired territory thereof, and whether within or without the limits of a state; and (iii) all Indian allotments, the Indian titles to which have not been extinguished, including rights-of-way running through the same.

  • Major European Countries means France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.

  • third countries means any other country besides the member states.

  • Major Countries means Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, United Kingdom and the United States.

  • Convention country means any country or territory in which the Convention is in force;

  • Major European Country means France, Germany, Italy, Spain or the United Kingdom.

  • Major Market Countries means [***].

  • Selected Countries the jurisdictions listed on Appendix C as such may be amended from time to time in accordance with Article II.

  • Major EU Country means any of France, Germany, Italy, Spain or the United Kingdom.

  • non-IOM country means a country that is not the Isle of Man;

  • Caribbean Basin country construction material means a construction material that—

  • Participating Countries means, collectively, all such countries.”

  • Eligible Countries means: (a) in the case of the African Development Bank and the Nigeria trust Fund, the Member Countries of the African Development Bank.

  • third country means a country that is not member of the Union;

  • Designated country end product means a WTO GPA country end product, a Free Trade Agreement country end product, a least developed country end product, or a Caribbean Basin country end product.

  • non-UK country means a country that is not the United Kingdom;

  • Foreign country means a country, including a political subdivision thereof, other than the United States, that authorizes the issuance of support orders and:

  • U.S. Territory means American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands.

  • Restricted Countries shall have the meaning given to it in Clause 26.5.3 (Protection of Personal Data);

  • third-country national means any person who is not a citizen of the Union within the meaning of Article 17(1) of the Treaty;

  • Territories means territories, including territorial waters;

  • Nondesignated country end product means any end product that is not a U.S.-made end product or a designated country end product.

  • Major Markets means [***].

  • contracting authorities means the State, regional or local authorities, bodies governed by public law or associations formed by one or more such authorities or one or more such bodies governed by public law;

  • Regions means the six regions of the state as follows:

  • WTO GPA country end product means an article that—