Examples of Asian Country in a sentence
To achieve these outcomes, three dedicated Task Forces (TFs) have been constituted under the program, represented by government nominated members from South Asian Country governments (Energy/Power Ministries), Electricity Regulatory Commissions, Planning Authorities, National Power Transmission utilities, Power Market Institutions etc.
The Sub-fund is denominated in USD and invests at any time the majority of its net assets in high yield fixed or variable-rate bonds from corporate or sovereign:- issuers domiciled in Asian Countries, or- issuers from any country whose underlying is economically linked, directly or indirectly, to an issuer domiciled in an Asian Country, or- issuers linked to "Asian Countries’ risks.
The program is being set up by Electricité Du Cambodge (EDC) and will focus on delivering 100 MW of PV capacity to the Southeast Asian Country in two phases of 30 MW and 70 MW respectively.
M.L. (2013b), “Audit Committee Scenario & Trends: Evidence from an Asian Country, European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 1(11), February, 1-23.
Indonesia is the largest South East Asian Country, which gained independ- ence from Japanese colonial rule on 17 August 1945, after more than 300 years of Dutch colonialism.
To achieve these outcomes, three dedicated Task Forces (TFs) have been constituted under the program, with representations from nominated members from South Asian Country governments (Energy/Power Ministries), Electricity Regulatory Commissions, Planning Authorities, National Power Transmission utilities, Power Market Institutions etc.
Up-conversion may be implemented using a “wrapper” around each wireless device.
Contribution of Forensic Accounting to Corporate Governance: An Exploratory Study of an Asian Country, International Business Management, 10(4), 479-492.
Asian Country aims at its industrialization and the strong competitiveness of their enterprises.
As this study was conducted in Bangladesh, a South Asian Country, parents are making conscious decisions over teens’ technology usage in this study.