Assault weapon definition
Examples of Assault weapon in a sentence
Gunshot wounds per gun homicide victim: Assault weapon and large-capacity magazine cases, Milwaukee 96Table 6-6.
Assault weapon parts, switchblades, firearms etc.); and(c) Parts that would otherwise violate any law enforceable in the territory of Union of India.
For example he wrote, "Assault weapon is a confusing term that roughly applies to semi-automatic weapons which includes many sporting and hunting firearms," and "I feel that firearms should be readily accessible to law abiding citizens.
Assault weapon turn-in credit (a) Allowance of credit (1) In general In the case of an individual who surrenders a specified assault weapon to the United States or a State or local government (or political subdivision thereof) as part of a Federal, State, or local public safety program to reduce the number of privately owned weapons, on the election of the taxpayer there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter an amount equal to $2,000.
Assault weapon turn-in credit (a) In general Subpart A of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by inserting before section 26 the following new section: 25E.