Asset Issuer definition
Examples of Asset Issuer in a sentence
The likelihood of an Asset Trigger Event occurring in respect of the Asset Issuer will generally fluctuate with, among other things, the financial condition and other characteristics of the Asset Issuer, general economic conditions, the condition of certain financial markets, political events, developments or trends in any particular industry and changes in prevailing interest rates.
Investors should note that the Notes differ from ordinary debt securities issued by the Issuer in that the amount of principal and interest payable by the Issuer in respect of the Notes is dependent on, amongst other things, whether an Asset Trigger Event has occurred in respect of the Asset Issuer.
Consequently, the Issuer is exposed not only to the occurrence of an Asset Trigger Event in relation to the relevant Asset Issuer and/or the volatility in the market value of the Principal Assets, but also to the ability of the Swap Counterparty to perform its obligations under the Swap.The Notes will be redeemed following the occurrence of a termination event or event of default under the Swap, including by reason of a default by the Swap Counterparty thereunder.
The market price of the Assets will generally fluctuate with, among other things, the liquidity and volatility of the financial markets, general economic conditions, domestic and international political events, developments or trends in a particular industry and the financial condition of the relevant Asset Issuer.
Certain events in respect of the Principal Assets may result in an early redemption of the Notes at the relevant early redemption amount (which may be less than the amount due at the maturity of the Notes).(c) Notes linked to the creditworthiness of the Asset Issuer and AssetsUnless otherwise specified in the relevant Pricing Supplement, Series Prospectus or Series Listing Particulars, the Notes will be credit-linked to the Asset Issuer.
If, for any reason, an Issuer no longer satisfies the definition of a Single Asset Issuer or Multiple Asset Issuer (as applicable), IPSX will cancel the Admission of such Issuer’s financial instruments.Guidance: Cancellation of the Admission of an Issuer’s financial instruments due to an Issuer’s failure to satisfy the definition of a Single Asset Issuer will not prevent an Issuer from seeking admission to trading on other RecognisedInvestment Exchanges or Multilateral Trading Facilities.
Figure 5 For example, the Asset Issuer program and the Asset Operation program can initiate a authenticity verification.
ANHANG – EMISSIONSBEZOGENE ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Abschnitt A – Einführung und Warnhinweise 1.Name des Wertpapiers:WisdomTree Natural Gas 3x Daily Short2.ISIN:IE00B76BRD763.Common Code:1032622754.Emittentin:WisdomTree Multi Asset Issuer Public Limited Company (the "Issuer").5.Kontaktdaten der Emittentin:2nd Floor, Block 5 Irish Life Centre Abbey Street Lower, Dublin 1, D01P767, Ireland6.LEI:2138003QW2ZAYZODBU237.Zuständige Behörde:Central Bank of Ireland8.Datum der Genehmigung des Basisprospekts:01.
Market where Asset Issuer 2 has securities listed:Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and New Zealand Securities Exchange (NZX).Asset 2 ISIN: XS0361890535.
On the day of receipt of such notice, UBS shall deliver to ELM (subject to and in accordance with the terms of Special Condition (III) of the Notes) such Obligations of the Reference Asset Issuer and/or cash as is necessary to ensure that the Charged Assets, together with ELM’s Credit Support Balance (if any), shall together satisfy the Charged Assets Criteria on such day.