Examples of Asset Rate in a sentence
Capital assets are amortized on a straight-line basis using the following annual rates: Asset Rate Land improvements 5.0 to 33.3% Buildings 2.5 to 5.0% Equipment, computer hardware and software 6.6 to 33.3% Amortization of a specific asset is not recorded until the asset has been placed into use.
The Company has an interest-rate structure of both floating and fixed rates, as shown in the following table: Debt instruments Interest rate sensitivity analysis A rate analysis is made, with respect to TAB (Banking Asset Rate), assuming that all the other variables remain constant.
Amortization is provided on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life as follows: Asset Rate Buildings 25 years Building under capital lease 40 years Building improvements 15 years Furniture and equipment 5 years Leasehold improvements 25 years Vehicles 3 years The carrying amount of capital assets is tested for recoverability whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable.
Aguas Andinas has an interest-rate structure of both floating and fixed rates, as shown in the following table: Debt instruments Interest rate sensitivity analysis A rate analysis is made, with respect to the TAB (Banking Asset Rate), assuming all other variables remain constant.
Capital assets are amortized on a straight-line basis using the following annual rates: Asset Rate Buildings 2.5% to 10% Furnishings and equipment 10% to 33 1/3% Library books 20% Construction costs are capitalized as work progresses and amortization commences as work is substantially completed.
The robvis tool was used to create the risk of bias summary figure 8.Results Study Selection A total of 6 133 studies were identified through the search protocol, with one ongoing trial identified through clinicaltrials.gov (Figure 1).
Identify variables such as principal amount, maturity date/ re pricing date, coupon rate, yield, frequency and basis of interest calculation for each item/ category of Rate Sensitive Asset/ Rate Sensitive Liability (RSA/ RSL).
Amortization of original cost and any corresponding deferred contributions are calculated on a straight-line basis using the following annual rates over the estimated useful lives of the assets: Asset Rate Building and building equipment 2.0% - 10.0% Equipment (not including software) 5.0% - 20.0% Equipment (software) 33.3% Construction in progress comprises construction and development costs and capitalized interest.
Capital assets: Capital assets are recorded at cost and are amortized as follows: Asset Rate Buildings 4% declining balance Office equipment 20% declining balance Digital and other broadcast equipment 20% declining balance Computer equipment 35% declining balance Leasehold improvements Shorter of useful life and term of lease Construction in progress is transferred to the appropriate capital asset category and amortization begins when the capital project is completed and the asset is placed in service.
Aguas Andinas S.A. has an interest-rate structure of both floating and fixed rates, as shown in the following table: Debt instruments Interest rate sensitivity analysis A rate analysis is made, with respect to TAB (Banking Asset Rate), assuming that all the other variables remain constant.