Association Football definition
Examples of Association Football in a sentence
The objects of the Club shall be to provide facilities, promote the game of Association Football, to arrange matches and social activities for its members and community participation in the same.
The objects of the Club shall be to provide facilities, promote the game of Association Football, to arrange matches and social activities for its members, and community participation in the same.
A player who has been substituted himself becomes a substitute and may replace another player at any time subject to the substitution being carried out in accordance with Law 3 of the Laws of Association Football.
Napout.[11] There, Napout, former president of the South American Football Confederation ("CONMEBOL"), and CONMEBOL were being investigated by the government for fraud associated with the International Federation of Association Football (or "FIFA").
The competition shall be run strictly to the laws of Association Football as laid down by the Football Association and also by the Skelmersdale Junior Football League Rules.
A game of Association Football which is not an Official Match which is played between two (2) teams (whether or not from different Clubs) and is made open to the public to attend.
The sewing machines used in this work are industrial, pre- viously adapted and regulated to make seams in flat fabri- cs, as well as the type of needle used, which is appropria- te for the most robust type of fabric.
The duties and responsibilities of the Fourth Official are detailed in the Laws of Association Football and in the Competition Rules.
Association Football: the game controlled by FIFA and organised in accordance with the Laws of the Game.
Each Member of FIFA shall play Association Football in compliance with the Laws of the Game issued by IFAB.