Examples of Athletic injury in a sentence
Waipu Bay is located within the Tauranga Harbour, to the south of the Tauranga Airport, and to the south east of the Tauranga Harbour Bridge.
Athletic injury means any injury sustained by an individual that affects the individual’s participation or performance in sports, games, recreation, exercise, or other activity that requires physical strength, agility, flexibility, speed, stamina, or range of motion.
Athletic injury, psychosocial factors and perceptual changes during stress.
In this chapter: • (1) "Athletic injury" means an injury sustained by a person as a result of the person's participation in an organized sport or sport-related exercise or activity, including interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, semiprofessional, and professional sports activities.• (2) "Athletic trainer" means a person who practices athletic training, is licensed by the department, and may use the initials "LAT," "LATC," and "AT" to designate the person as an athletic trainer.
Athletic injury is often based on time lost from play (Bronner and Brownstein, 1997:87).