Examples of Atlantic Compact in a sentence
In accordance with Article V.f.2. of the Atlantic Compact the compensation, costs, and expenses incurred incident to administering these responsibilities may be paid through a surcharge on waste disposed at regional disposal facilities within the State.
The State has adopted the regulations for a land disposal site but does not expect to need to implement them in the near future since the State is a member of the Atlantic Compact and has access to the waste disposal site, EnergySolutions Barnwell Operations, located in Barnwell, South Carolina.
Under the restrictions of the Atlantic Compact, the amount of waste allowed to be received by the Barnwell site has reduced and will continue to reduce over the years.
Beginning in 2008, Barnwell will only accept LLRW from the Atlantic Compact states.
The remaining portions of the Barnwell facility will essentially be closed and permanently capped, except for dismantlement of the remaining operations buildings and closure of the few final trenches used for Atlantic Compact waste.
During the in-region operations period, the first two years will include Phase I Closure activities, which will close the majority of the facility, leaving only those trench areas designated to receive the Atlantic Compact LLRW.
The facility is licensed to accept a broad range of LLW for disposal.However, since June 30, 2008, Barnwell is allowed to accept only waste from generating facilities within the States of South Carolina, Connecticut, and New Jersey (i.e., the members of the Atlantic Compact).
The amount distributed to offset any operating shortfalls shall be determined by calculating the difference between the allowable operating costs plus adjustments as approved by the Public Service Commission, and the access fees paid by the Atlantic Compact generators.
Export and Disposal of Midwest Compact WasteWith the creation of the Atlantic Compact, Midwest Compact region generators have limited access to the Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc., disposal facility in Barnwell, South Carolina.
We are aware that some States perform annual inventories of the different kinds of radioactive waste generated or disposed annually 20 Barnwell may accept waste from outside the Atlantic Compact (South Carolina, Connecticut, and New Jersey) as long as the non-regional waste does not cause the facility to exceed overall volume limits.