Authorized consumption definition
Examples of Authorized consumption in a sentence
Authorized consumption forms an integral part of the water balance calculations.
Authorized consumption may include items such as fire fighting and training, flushing of mains and sewers, street cleaning, watering of municipal gardens, public fountains, frost protection, building water, etc.
Authorized consumption water is a billed water usage to the consumer to generate revenue to the water service provider.
Authorized consumption includes, but is not limited to, water used for residential and commercial uses, fire fighting, public fountains, golf courses, municipal landscape watering, line flushing, city offices, water treatment facility use, dust control, and construction practices.
Authorized consumption and Water losses sum to System input volume.
Authorized consumption The volume of metered and/or unmetered water taken by registered customers, the water supplier and others who are implicitly or explicitly authorized to do so by the water sup- plier, for residential, commercial and industrial purposes.
Authorized consumption is all the water the utility gave permission to a business, individual, or itself to use.
Authorized consumption can be either metered or unmetered water use that may or may not be billed.
Authorized consumption comprises:TASK 3 – Quantify Billed Authorized Consumption Billed Water Exported. Billed Metered Consumption. Billed Unmetered Consumption.TASK 5 – Quantify Unbilled Authorized Consumption Unbilled Metered. Unbilled Unmetered.For the audit period:Authorized consumption was calculated as 12,334.7 ML;Billed Authorized Consumption was calculated as 11,064.3 ML; and Unbilled Authorized Consumption was calculated as 1,270.4 ML.
All vehicles shall have identification on two sides and that back of the cargo-carrying body in letters a minimum of three (3) inches in height with the name or trademark of the contractor; the state permit number applicable to each vehicle, and a sign or the words “Regulated Medical Waste” imprinted on each vehicle.