Automobile sales definition
Examples of Automobile sales in a sentence
Turning space shall be provided so that no vehicle will be required to back onto a major or secondary thoroughfare, excluding residential property:(1) Automobile sales and repair garages.
Single-family, duplexes, 2 spaces per dwelling unit townhomes andcondominiums Multi-family 1.5 spaces per bedroom Group quarters 3 spaces for every 5 beds Assisted care/living facilities 3 spaces per 5 dwelling units + 1 space peremployee on the largest shiftNursing homes 1 spaces per 3 beds CommercialAutomobile repair 2 spaces per service bay (excluding the bay) +one space per employee, and 1 space per employer vehicle Automobile sales 1 space per 400 sq.
Automobile sales, new or used, including cars, trailers, boats, recreation vehicles, and trucks.
In the 1920s alone, the number of passenger cars registered in the United States nearly tripled, from 8 million to 23 million.2 Automobile sales slowed during the 1930s and early 1940s, due to the Great Depression and World War II.
Automobile sales tend to be highly idiosyn- cratic, however, with much difficult-to-explain variation occurring month to month.
There is a main sense of hopelessness among the rural population due to the fact that they believe that they are ignorant and that only the highly educated people have the capability to communicate with the government.
Automobile sales weakened on a month-on-month basis, primarily on account of supply disruptions.
However, billboards are prohibited on any property within a planned unit development (PUD) overlay district, regardless of the underlying zoning district, unless expressly permitted as part of an approved development plan by the metropolitan council; and in the CS district for uses classified as Automobile repair, Automobile sales, used; Car wash and Vehicular sales and services limited.
The number, area, spacing and height of permanent on-premises ground signs shall be determined according to Table 17.32.130.D, except that land uses classified as Automobile repair, Automobile sales, used; Car wash and Vehicular sales and services limited shall be further restricted as specified in Section 17.16.070.
Automobile sales accelerated again in the mid-1940s, partly because many middle- class families left cities for the new suburbs.