Cash Advances definition

Cash Advances. These are from cash advances and cash equivalent transactions you make with your account. “Special Offers” These are from your use of the account to take advantage of special, introductory, or promotional offers we make available to you at times. Each such transaction may be kept track of separately on your statement and may be treated as its own Balance Category.
Cash Advances. These are from cash advances and cash equivalent transactions you make with your account. “Special Offers” These are from your use of the account to take advantage of special, introductory, or promotional offers we make available to you at times. Each such transaction may be kept track of separately on your statement and may be treated as its own Balance Category. “Eligible Purchases” These are from purchases of goods and services you make with your account (a) at certain merchants or of specified types listed in the Schedule; and (b) in which a single or multiple items are purchased in the same transaction totaling certain amounts as listed in the Schedule. Each Eligible Purchase may be kept track of separately on your statement and may be treated as its own Balance Category. Eligible Purchase(s) may also be referenced and abbreviated as “Elig Purch” in some locations in the Schedule.
Cash Advances which will result from cash advances you request, use of checks or similar instruments (including electronic form or otherwise) that we provide (unless we tell you they will be treated differently), and Cash Equivalent Transactions (as defined later in this Agreement);

Examples of Cash Advances in a sentence

  • You shall be jointly and severally liable for all amounts due from you under this Agreement for Purchases, Cash Advances, Balance Transfers, Interest Charges, and Other Charges.

  • As of the amendment's effective date, the change in terms will apply to the entire outstanding balance of the Account as well as Purchases made and Cash Advances and Balance Transfers received after the effective date of the amendment.

  • You agree not to use or permit others to use the Card, information from the Card, or a Credit Device if such use would cause either (i) the balance of the Account to exceed the Credit Limit we set from time to time or (ii) the balance of the outstanding Cash Advances to exceed the Cash Advance Limit applicable to such Credit Limit.

  • Each month we will send you a monthly billing statement reflecting all Purchases, Cash Advances, Balance Transfers, Interest Charges and Other Charges pursuant to this Agreement for the prior monthly period.

  • We are not responsible for any person or entity refusing to accept the Card or any Credit Device for Purchases or Cash Advances.

More Definitions of Cash Advances

Cash Advances you may obtain cash or cash equivalents (a) from us or from any financial institution
Cash Advances. These are cash advances and cash equivalent transactions you make with your account. “Special Offers” These are your use of the account to take advantage of special, introductory, or promotional offers we make available to you at times. Each such transaction may be kept track of separately on your statement and may be treated as its own Balance Category. “Eligible Purchases” These are purchases of goods and services you make with your account (a) at certain merchants or of specified types listed in the Schedule; and (b) in which a single or multiple items are purchased in the same transactions totaling certain amounts as listed in the Schedule. Each Eligible Purchase may be kept track of separately on your statement and may be treated as its own Balance Category. Eligible Purchase(s) may also be referenced and abbreviated as “Elig Purch” in some locations in the Schedule. WHAT YOU WILL SEE ON YOUR STATEMENT ● We will provide you a statement for each billing cycle. Each billing cycle is a month long, and each billing cycle will have about the same number of days (with variation due to the differing number of days in each month), however your first billing cycle may be shorter or longer than your other billing cycles based on the date of your account opening. ● Each statement will show:
Cash Advances to obtain cash or cash equivalents (a) from us or from any financial institution that honors the Card, (b) from an automatic teller machine that accepts the Card, (c) by purchasing items that may be traded right away for cash, including, but not limited to, money orders, travelers checks, lottery tickets, casino chips, vouchers redeemable for cash, or racetrack xxxxxx, and (d) by making tax or other payments; and (3) "Balance Transfers": to request us to transfer to the Account a balance that the Business owes to another creditor and, if we approve the Business’ request, we will pay the other creditor directly. We are not responsible for any person or entity refusing to accept the Card for Purchases or Cash Advances. We may limit the number or dollar amount of Purchases, Cash Advances and/or Balance Transfers that may be made or obtained with a Card or the Account. Neither we nor our agents will be responsible or have any liability for refusing to authorize any transaction, even if the Business has credit available. Promise to Pay. The Business promises to pay us for all Purchases, Cash Advances, Balance Transfers and any other charges on the Account and each Cardholder Account, whether made by the Business, an Authorized Cardholder or, to the full extent permitted by applicable law, by anyone else who uses the Account. The Business also agrees to pay any and all Interest Charges, fees and all other amounts owed under this Agreement. If more than one individual or entity applied or agreed to be responsible for the Account, each of you is individually responsible for all amounts owed under this Agreement. Any authorized representative of the Business may give us any notice under this Agreement. If authorized representatives give us different notices or make different requests, we may choose which one to honor. We will not be liable to the Business or anyone else because we choose to honor a request or notice from any authorized representative of the Business.
Cash Advances and “Cash Advance Limit” Advances made for cash or cash like equivalents, such as for wire transfers, money orders, travelers cheques, and some Balance Transfers (as explained below). Your Cash Advance Limit is a percentage of your overall Credit Limit. The Cash Advance Limit is disclosed in your Account Opening Disclosures and on your Statement. You are responsible for repaying Cash Advances as required by this Agreement. Interest will be charged on Cash Advances at the “APR for Cash Advancesbased on the variable rate formula shown in your Account Opening Disclosures. We restrict the amount of your overall Credit Limit that can be used for Cash Advances. We call that limit the “Cash Advance Limit.” We will honor requests for Cash Advances in accordance with this Agreement, assuming that you have available credit under your Cash Advance Limit. We post each Cash Advance to your Account as of the date the funds are advanced.
Cash Advances. A FINANCE CHARGE will be imposed on Cash Advances from the date made or from the first day of the billing cycle in which the Cash Advance is posted to your Account, whichever is later, and will continue to accrue on the unpaid average daily balance of such Cash Advances until the date of payment if paid during the same billing cycle, or until the closing date of the billing cycle preceding the date on which the entire New Balance is paid in full or until the date of payment if more than 25 days from the closing date. If the New Balance shown on your monthly statement for the prior billing cycle is paid in full within 25 days from the closing date of that statement, no FINANCE CHARGES will be imposed during the current billing cycle for Cash Advances posted to your Account during previous billing cycles. The FINANCE CHARGE for a billing cycle is computed by applying the Monthly Periodic Rate to the average daily balance of Cash Advances, which is determined by dividing the sum of the daily balances by the number of days in the billing cycle. Each daily balance of Cash Advances is determined by new Cash Advances posted to your Account, and subtracting any payments as received or credits as posted to your Account, but excluding any unpaid FINANCE CHARGES. All balance transfers from other loans or accounts as permitted by Issuer, in Issuer’s sole discretion, will be treated as Cash Advances for the purpose of all FINANCE CHARGES. Credit Purchases: A FINANCE CHARGE will be imposed on Credit Purchases only if you elect not to pay the entire New Balance shown on your monthly statement for the previous billing cycle within 25 days from closing date of that statement. If you elect not to pay the entire New Balance shown on your previous monthly statement within that 25-day period, a FINANCE CHARGE will be imposed on the unpaid average daily balance of such Credit Purchases from the previous statement closing date and on new Credit Purchases from the date of posting to your Account during the current billing cycle, and will continue to accrue until the closing date of the billing cycle preceding the date on which the entire New Balance is paid in full or until the date of payment if more than 25 days from the closing date. The FINANCE CHARGE for a billing cycle is computed by applying the monthly Periodic Rate to the average daily balance of Credit Purchases, which is determined by dividing the sum of the daily balances during the billing cycle by the number of days...
Cash Advances shall have the meaning specified in the Credit Card ------------- Agreement applicable to an Account.
Cash Advances to obtain cash or cash equivalents (a) from us or from any financial institution that honors the Card, (b) from an automatic teller machine that accepts the Card, (c) by purchasing items that may be traded right away for cash, including, but not limited to, money orders, travelers checks, lottery tickets, casino chips, vouchers redeemable for cash, or racetrack xxxxxx, and