Aviation Use definition

Aviation Use means the storage, operation, maintenance, or servicing of aircraft, or a use directly ancillary to such aviation use.
Aviation Use means any runway, taxiway, connector, apron or heliport designed for the landing and taking off of aircraft, transfer of passengers and/or cargo, surface access, and other support facilities typically associated with airports, including: hangars, control towers, communication and maintenance facilities, operations area, airport fueling facilities, fixed-based operators (FBO) and passenger and cargo terminals (including retail and eating and drinking establishments located within a terminal or FBO building).
Aviation Use means any business, service, or other function that directly involves, or is necessary for, the normal operation of aircraft that use an airport. Aviation use includes the following: aircraft loading, unloading, tiedown, parking, storage, sales, services, rental, maintenance, or repair; sale or storage of aviation fuel and aviation petroleum products; pilot training; air charter or air taxi service; airport terminal building; air carrier operations; aircraft ground handling; aircraft parts sales; and air traffic control tower, air navigation aid, and aviation weather instrumentation.

Examples of Aviation Use in a sentence

  • This Engine and Parts Service Policy (“Service Policy”) is a statement of the terms and conditions under which IAE International Aero Engines AG (“IAE”) will grant the Operators of new V2500 Engines certain Allowances and adjustments in the event that Parts of such Engines suffer Failure in Commercial Aviation Use, or in the event that a Parts Life Limit is established or reduced.

  • OPTION 3 - No Aviation Use (A) employment or As at 31st March 2005, there are no planning applications that are approved or outstanding on this site (the part within Fareham Borough) in relation to Policy DG12 since the adoption of the Fareham Borough Local Plan Review 2000.

  • Therefore, an airport will benefit from baseline information derived from the fair market value appraisal and/or market rent study approaches when establishing a final rental rate based on negotiation or establishing a minimum rent in a competitive proposal process.Furthermore, certain approaches are more suitable for the unique nature of aviation property, while other approaches are best suited for commercial development properties, as follows:• Aviation Use.

  • In all other instances Bureau personnel shall meet the training and currency requirements listed within OPM -04 and the Interagency Aviation Use and Management Qualifications Guide.

  • Provide the results of the initial and any subsequent internal inspections to Barry Aviation Use the Horizontal Stabilizer Rear Spar Inspection Report form and pictures as applicable.

  • Attachment: Agenda Report No. VIII-1.doc Attachment: Clemens Aviation Use and Lease(Council Member Johnson momentarily left the bench) Victor White Director of Airports, reviewed the item.Mayor Whipple inquired whether anyone from the audience wished to be heard.

  • Submit the form to the address specified in DA Pam 738-750 (Ground Use) or DA Pam 738-751 (Aviation Use).

  • For the purposes of this Permit, the following words and terms shall have the same meanings as those terms defined in the Access Ordinance: “Access Taxiway", “Aircraft Owner”, “Airport”, “Airport Public Area”, “Adjusted Airport Public Area Maintenance Rate”, “Access Fee”, “City”, “City Manager”, “Commercial Aviation Use", “Commercial Aviation Use Access Fee Formula”, “Off-Airport Access”, and “Recreational/Incidental Business Use”.

  • Action: The Individual/Entity is required to: submit a written notification of the completion date for all corrective actions necessary to resolve the violations by November 22, 2021; conduct a six (6) event compliance confirmation period upon completion of corrective actions; and implement engineered upgrades to the WWTF should additional violations be observed during the compliance confirmation period.

  • Attachment: Agenda Report No. IX-1.doc Attachment: Clemens Aviation Use and Lease Agreement.pdf Jesse Romo, Department of Airports, reviewed the item.

Related to Aviation Use

  • Aviation gasoline means fuel designed for use in the operation of aircraft other than jet aircraft,

  • Aviation fuel means all flammable liquids composed of a

  • Tourism destination project means a qualified non-gaming business facility that will be among the most visited privately owned or operated tourism or recreation sites in the State, and which is located within the qualified incentive area and has been determined by the authority to be in an area appropriate for development and in need of economic development incentive assistance, including a non-gaming business within an established Tourism District with a significant impact on the economic viability of that District.

  • Storage Services means Capacity Rights and System Services.