Award Fund definition
Examples of Award Fund in a sentence
The settlement has three components: (1) an uncapped Monetary Award Fund that provides compensation for retired players who submit proof of certain diagnoses; (2) a $75 million Baseline Assessment Program that provides eligible retired players with free baseline assessment examinations of their objective neurological functioning; and (3) a $10 million Education Fund to instruct football players about injury prevention.
A fee is not required for the NFL and class counsel to appeal, though the NFL must act in good faith when appealing award determinations.The Monetary Award Fund is uncapped and will remain in place for 65 years.
The NFL Parties will pay, or cause to be paid six initial monthly installments of Twenty Million United States dollars (U.S.$20,000,000) each, into the Settlement Trust Account for transfer by the Trustee into the Monetary Award Fund, beginning no later than thirty (30) days after the Effective Date.
Reasonable compensation of the Lien Resolution Administrator, as agreed to by Co-Lead Class Counsel and Counsel for the NFL Parties, and reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses directly incurred as a result of the Lien Resolution Administrator’s responsibilities will be paid out of the Monetary Award Fund, unless otherwise specified herein.
If the Court determines that any costs and expenses are unreasonable, the Special Master will not be paid for such costs and expenses or, if such costs and expenses have already been paid, the Special Master will refund that amount to the Monetary Award Fund.
The annual compensation and reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses of the Special Master directly incurred as a result of the performance of his or her responsibilities will be paid out of the Monetary Award Fund.
Reasonable compensation of the Claims Administrator, as agreed to by Co-Lead Class Counsel and Counsel for the NFL Parties, and reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses directly incurred as a result of the Claims Administrator’s responsibilities set forth in this Settlement Agreement will be paid out of the Monetary Award Fund.
If, during the term of the Monetary Award Fund, a Retired NFL Football Player who has received a Monetary Award based on a certain Qualifying Diagnosis subsequently is diagnosed with a different Qualifying Diagnosis, the Retired NFL Football Player (or his Representative Claimant, if applicable) may be entitled to a Supplemental Monetary Award.
If the Court or Special Master, as applicable, determines that any costs and expenses are unreasonable, the Claims Administrator will not be paid for such costs and expenses or, if such costs and expenses have already been paid, the Claims Administrator will refund that amount to the Monetary Award Fund.
Any funds remaining in the BAP Fund at the conclusion of the five-year period for the provision of BAP Supplemental Benefits, as set forth in Sections 5.5 and 5.11, shall be transferred to the Settlement Trust for transfer by the Trustee into the Monetary Award Fund.