AWWA Standards definition
Examples of AWWA Standards in a sentence
Inc., Water Treatment Plant Design, AWWA Standards and Applicable Manuals, 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, Colorado, 80235.
The following sources shall be used, in declining order of precedence, to determine the weight of steel/iron: Department established weights of steel/iron by contract pay item per pay unit; approved shop drawings; verified shipping documents; contract documents; Standard Sheets; industry standards (i.e., AISC Manual of Steel Construction, AWWA Standards, etc.); and manufacturer’s data.
Testing will be in accordance with AWWA Standards, Manual of Practice, M6 for cold water service meters.
No additional payment will be made due to location changes directed in the field by the engineerPipe laying for pressure piping will be in accordance with AWWA Standards and manufacturers recommendations and these specifications for delivering, protecting, handling, storing, laying and use of the pipe to be installed.
Transition couplings manufactured per AWWA Standards will be used for joining different type pipes.
Post hydrants or flushing hydrants shall conform to AWWA Standards C502, the latest revision thereof.
Various Sizes (3/4" thru 2") rolls of Type K Copper Tubing, complying with American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standards.
Concrete steel cylinder fittings shall be tested as required by the applicable AWWA Standards.
For larger services, ductile cement lined pipe meeting A.W.W.A. Standards for Class 52 water pipe, shall be used.
All meters furnished shall comply completely with the latest edition of AWWA C700-71 "AWWA Standards for Cold Water Meters - Displacement Type" 5/8 inch x 3/4 inch Sensus or approved equal shall be used.